Chapter 28

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Once I got off I obviously had to call Trish to come get me. Luckily this girl wasn't doing anything but watching true crime shows, which I didn't even know she was interested in. More reason to like the girl. I got off right around 4 so it's time to think about some dinner options. 

"Trish what were you thinking for dinner?" I asked like a small child annoyingly asking their mother what's for dinner. 

"Hmm I don't know, I kind of wanna cook something. What do you think?" She asked. 

"Well no promises that I am actually good at cooking, but I am down and will help as much as I can." I said. It's been awhile since I've had a good home cooked meal. Obviously my teenage years was spent alone, and I really can't cook anything with out very detailed instructions. 

"That's okay, I am not the best either but I am sure if we follow a recipe it can't be that bad." She said so sure of herself. I mean she's right if we're able to follow basic instructions that means were able to cook without causing any fires or incidents. Well hopefully. 

"Okay so what were you wanting to try and master?" I asked playfully. This should be good. 

"Well.. Crockpot dinners are usually pretty easy right? Why don't we try and make a roast? You know just throw in some meat potatoes carrots, try and figure out the gravy situation than BAM we have dinner." She said super dramatically. I wonder if she's every actually had pot roast because I think there is more to it than that.

"Maybe we should look up a recipe so it can actually be edible, if you want this to be a successful cooking experience then we should probably do that." I said. I can't remember if my parents ever made pot roast when I was younger. I know I've had it from restaurants before so I know I like it, I just don't know if we would be able to make it. Hell does she even have a crockpot. "Do you even have a crockpot?"

She looked at me like I was stupid. "Of course I have a crockpot I wouldn't suggest this if I didn't." She said giggling. "And of course we will use a recipe, I am trying to eat tonight girl." She then got up from the couch and grabbed her keys. "Now come on we gotta go get the ingredients to make this thing."

"Wait shouldn't we look up a recipe first?" I asked quickly before she leaves me behind in the house.

"Ah come on, you can just look one up on the way with your new phone." She says happily walking out the door not even bothering to see if I was gonna follow. But I will follow because I am hungry. 

We hustled out the car, and while she figured out what music she wanted to listen to on the way to the store, I figured out what recipe we were gonna use for our pot roast. A lot of recipes come up when you look for pot roasts, it hard to tell which ones will be good. I'm assuming you can't go wrong with one, but for some reason I really care about what Trish thinks and I don't want her to be disappointed. I've only known her for a short amount of time but I've grown to really like her. She has already done more for me than anyone I know, unless you count my parents but they didn't really give me much but severe anxiety. If I can't cook I just want her to at least be impressed that I can find a good recipe. 

I honestly didn't think about the fact that most families cook their pot roast all day apparently. Luckily I found a recipe that we can get done in at least 2 hours. I don't think we will need 3 pounds of meat since there is just two of us so it may even take less than 2 hours. 

Before I even knew it we were pulling into the super market. Trish parks then turns to me and gives me a look. Basically saying 'gimme that recipe girl'. "Alright so I found a recipe that doesn't take all day to cook pot roast, because that's apparently a thing." I started off. "We can tweak it up a bit cause there's some ingredients that I don't like and I know you hate. We will need to get some stuff to make a gravy because sadly that doesn't just naturally happen." I said looking down at my phone to see what all were actually gonna need. "Should take us about 2 hours if things go well."

"Alright so why don't I pull up the notes on my phone and we can make a list of what we do need." She said pulling up the notes app she has. 

"Alright, so we're gonna need brisket or beef chuck, I'm assuming just whichever one we find first. I'm gonna assume that you have all the needed seasons at home cause they are basic. So we're gonna have to grab some carrots, celery, garlic cloves, those seasoned bouillon cube things, apple cider vinegar, potatoes, thyme, rosemary, bay leafs, and corn starch." I said reading off everything that I think we both like. I know we both hate onions so I didn't even dare to mention those in this car. 

"Okay so everything you listed sounds good, except for the celery. I don't know what it is about celery, but just no." She said scrunching up her nose in a cute manner. Wait did I just say cute? "I'm surprised the recipe didn't call for onions those are very popular in roasts."

"Oh no it did I just know we both hate them so fuck that." I laughed out. The devils vegetable literally. If they are even considered a vegetable I don't know. "OH wait, I don't know if you have any cooking oil so we may have to grab that too."

"Cooking oil has officially been added to the list, because you're right.  I do not cook enough for that to be a thing in our house." She said causally opening her door getting out of the car. She just said our house. I don't know why but that made my heart feel warm. I never really considered the fact that I actually shared a home with someone. I haven't even payed a single dime in rent yet so I don't even think she could say our home. Yet she did and that made me giddy. 

I quickly followed her out of the car because boy does she walk fast. Shopping with Trish is unlike anything I've every experienced. This girl has over 10 items in our cart right now, and none of them have anything to do with our dinner. She has the attention span of an 8 year old, but I love it. I've never really bought so many snacks and stuff.

"Since it's no longer just me I figured we can actually buy snacks from here instead of me just getting them from the gas station real quick." She said with a bright smile on her face. It was nice to see her so excited over something so simple. I miss that. I even find myself getting excited. "Chloe you can grab whatever you want you know I want you to be comfortable at home." 

"I know I just didn't really make much in tips this morning and I feel bad, you have literally been buying everything since I got here. It's definitely not fair." I said feeling a little ashamed and embarrassed. "I mean come on you even bought me a phone, which I greatly appreciate but you really didn't have to." I haven't even gotten a check yet, I don't even know if I will get one when everyone else does cause it takes a minute for them to process you into the system, which I understand.

"Chloe just because you don't have any money doesn't mean I am going to let you starve. I know you once you have money you will pitch in more than I want you too. Also you need that phone so you can contact Enzo remember?" She reminded me. Which she isn't wrong it is nice to be able to contact him whenever I need, same for him. I'm sure it was very unprofessional to be contacting me through Trish, but he has been very understanding. What's with this town, the only mean person I've met was Theo, and I can tell it's just stress and personal things that make him that way. Trust me I've been there. Well, maybe not mean like him, but stressed and strung out on life. 

"Okay you're right, but I will never stop saying thank you." I said. Truly owe her my life. I don't know what I would be doing right now if was still stuck at Kadin's 

"Trust me Chloe I am not as much as a saint as I seem, consider this an act for good karma." Trish says while eyeing some candy I've never seen before. 

I wanted to ask her what she meant but didn't want to ruin the moment. Everything about this feel so normal, so I decided to stay quiet. 

We continued to shop and once we were done, we checked out and headed home to make our dinner. The rest of the night was pretty uneventful all we did was cook and clean up. After eating and cleaning up we were both too tired to even watch an episode of anything. Yet as soon as I got ready for bed an went to lay down all I could think about is what Trish said earlier about her not being a saint. I wonder what she meant. I also wonder what she was up to today, didn't seem like she hung around here much. 

Those were my thoughts as I fell asleep. 

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