Chapter 6

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Me: Who is this? 2:20 P.M.

It didn't take me long to write out that response. I mean I was pretty sure that it was Kadin who sent me this message, but I have seen movies and know that you can't always assume like that. 

Unknown: Who do you think? Its Kadin. Have you forgotten about me already? 2:23 P.M

I rolled my eyes. Yeah of course I forgot the guy who held me at gunpoint. Fat chance. The message sounded a little playful, but I doubt it. That's what I hate about messaging, especially when emojis aren't used. It is really hard to tell what their attitude is and how they are actually saying it. 

Me: Well considering the fact that you held me at gunpoint I don't think you will be easy to forget. 2:27 P.M

I hope my attitude isn't pushing it I really don't want to die just because of a stupid text message.

Kadin: Hey I wasn't actually gonna shoot you.  2:28 P.M

I rolled my eyes and decided not to respond. He seemed dead set on shooting me. Also Sonny. He also ignored my comment in the car which confirms that he did think about it. So he can't 100% say that he wasn't going to shoot me. Maybe that was his final choice but he had to think about it. 

Almost 10 minutes later I received another text.

Kadin: Don't ignore me Chloe it irritates me. We need to talk, meet up with me somewhere? 2:37 P.M

I looked at the phone shocked. What more could he want. Another death threat encounter. He's dangerous. I can't be risking my life all free willy nilly like this. Whats up with everyone wanting to meet with me today. The audacity of these people. My social battery will never recover from this. 

Me: Sure why not sense everyone else does. When and where? 2:39 P.M

I feel more confident in texting than I do face to face. I mean I feel like I was pushing it last night even, but now I don't have to see his harsh looks so it's hard to think about the consequences of my words. That's just how texting is in general I assume. 

Kadin: I know a really good pub place, they have root beer that tastes like the original root beer. Its called Entitled pub. Be there in 15 minutes don't be late. 2:40 P.M

I would never consider him to go to a pub for root beer but whatever. What if I were busy or something how inconsiderate could he be. Granted I did agree in the first place but still.  Also what kind of place is called Entitled Pub. Not gonna lie I am excited for the Root Beer its always been my favorite drink ever since I was a young girl and my parents actually gave effort into their child. 

I remember we would always go out to eat on the weekends every Saturday night because that was the day they were always off.  I would get a Root Beer, my dad would get a Coolers Light beer, and my mom would get a Sunkist. I guess as a kid I was trying to copy my dad. He always made it seem like alcohol was the best thing ever. Let me tell you it is horrible. I remember when I was first left home alone while they were only going on weekend trips, I decided to sneak one of my dad's beers. I don't know how he drinks that carbonated piss water. 

I miss the days where they actually gave an effort into me. Where they actually cared and payed attention. Almost every time after our dinners on Saturdays they would take me out to get ice cream.  I would always get the same order. 2 scoops of bubble gum ice cream in a cup. My mom would get the double chocolate fudge on a cone of course. Lastly my dad would get the mint chocolate ice cream also on a cone. It's crazy how I remember so much of my childhood that they just gave up on.

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