Chapter 2

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You know those times where you have nothing else better to do then watch Netflix? Yeah well that's me on a daily basis including now, during a weekend. If I actually had friends I feel like it would still be the case. It really sucks whenever you have read everything good.

Normally on a Friday night I would sit and hope my parents would show up yet they never do, and due to the note tonight I know not to wait. Usually they just don't show. I can't tell which one I prefer. Instant disappointment or hope that leads to disappointment. 

Don't get me wrong I love my family, and I don't have nothing to complain about. I am an only child who gets mostly what they want. Accept the attention from my parents considering the fact that they are most likely never home, like ever. Yet I always think that people out there has it way worse than me and I should just be thankful for the things and the opportunities I have in the world today. 

It is currently 1:00 AM in the morning and I'm pretty sure my phone is ringing. I don't know what to do. Maybe I'm going crazy? My phone never every rings. Not even a little message from my parents. Before I know it the phone is finished ringing and I feel if it was actually important they will call again. Or unless I was going crazy and it was never reason which might actually be the case.

*Ring Ring* *Ring Ring* ARGHHHHH what?

"Hello?" My questioning voice barley whispered through the phone.  What is wrong with me why the heck did I not check caller ID before answering? Oh well to late now.

"Uhh Heyyy Chloe..." The other voice said. Which sounds very similar to Sonny. I've spent enough time talking to her and I know that its impossible this can't be Sonny maybe her sister? But why would she be calling me? 

"Uhm is this Amber?" I asked confused.

"Um yeah it is actually." She said also sounding confused, probably as to why I know her name. 

"May I ask why you are calling?" I asked. Sonny never really had anything good to say about her sister. Then again she never had anything good to say about anyone or anything with me. We mostly complained about things together.  Her sister was one of the main sources of her problems which I gladly always listened to hoping I have a friend. Sadly things obviously did not turn out the way I was hoping, not like it ever does anyways. 

"Well I took Sonny out to a club... And she has had to much to drink and ran off and left her phone behind. I looked through it for help to see who I could call and I only found your contact. Can you by any chance come and well help..?" She blurted out. Sonny is a lot like me and doesn't have friends and it doesn't surprise me that I was the only contact that could be found. But what surprises me and makes me extremely mad is the fact that her sister took her to a club. I get it she makes mistakes, but don't drag your sister in it. Sonny always talked about how she hated taking care of her sister, why would she go and do the same? Did things really get that bad at home.

"Uh yeah sure, what club?" I asked. I know I'm going to regret saying yes, but how could I say no. If I am the only person there to help I can't say no. So she proceeds to tell me the location. God why do I have to be a decent person.  Oh well you are doing this to have a clear conscience over yourself. 

As I'm driving I am thinking about all the bad things I have done wrong, so this one good thing makes me feel better about myself. Instead of feeling stupid I feel better. Completely better.  

I reach the club and it looks like something that is totally out of my element. I am in way over my head here, I am not one for big crowds or drunk people, or loud music for that matter. So basically everything happening here is not my cup of  tea.  

I walk and I see the bouncer and all the sudden I see blank. What am I doing? Why am I here? Oh yeah I'm a good person that's why...  Any who of course in order to get in I had to show the bouncer my ID to show me I am of age to at least go into the club. 

The bouncer proceeds to put a blue band on my wrist. Which means I am allowed in the club but I am not able to drink, if you don't have a yellow band then you aren't able to buy or drink any of the alcohol provided at the bar.  Which I have no idea how Sonny got her hands on alcohol without undercover bouncers catching her and throwing her out.  

I am actually stupid, it was a fake ID or something like that. Or maybe Sonny's sister is caught up with some higher up people. Who know's, Chloe focus, find Sonny and get her home. 

I walk into the club, the loud club music is screeching in my ear. Bodies all over the place, people grinding, too drunk to notice that their drinks are currently spilling all over the floor as they dry hump the heck out of each other.  Bartenders are obviously gaining our of this, when the people notice their drink is empty and they currently need another one.   

So far I see no sign of Sonny or her sister Amber and I am starting to think that this is some sort of joke being pulled on me. I sort of feel out of place. Being the only person, well girl that is not dressed up in a skimpy black or red dress. I am currently standing in the middle of an on-going club in hello kitty pj's and a bunny shirt that says "I'm a bunny" I feel totally and utterly stupid. 

Then next thing I know my elbow is being grabbed and I am dragged into the middle of a crowd of drunk people who don't know how to drink out of a cup properly. This person is obviously male considering the firm grip. The fact that their hand is grouping my entire body doesn't help any either. 

"Hey get your hands off of me!" I stated firmly and tried to pull away. Yet this person is persistent to grind on me. "HEY asshole get off of me!" I yelled angrily and finally ripped out of his grip, but only to fly into a extremely hard chest.  At least it smells good...


Heyo, for people who might actually be reading my book I am so sorry for the flipping delay, finals are almost over tomorrow is my last day of them and hopefully I will have my full attention of finishing my first book. I am so thankful for 11 readers. I know how crazy it sounds but I never expected anyone but myself to read this book, not to mention I have a person who stared it. Thank you so much for the support. Have a wonderful day, stay happy and positive. I am always open to talk. <3

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