Chapter 8

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I am in the state where I am awake but still half asleep. Now is the time where I finally open my eyes. Yet I am stuck here with them closed not able or wanting to get up. I hate the start of the day.

I guess I should check my phone and see if my parents have tried to contact me. Probably not but its worth a shot. 

I look at my phone and I only see a messaged from Kadin. Wow only one single message this time, isn't that some progress. 

Kadin: Looks like we have to deal with each other now.  9:23 AM 

My breathing quickened and I started to panic, what the hell is that supposed to mean. My panicking slowly subsided when I realized what could he really do. Anxiety just gets the best of me sometimes.

I sighed realizing it was Sunday and I have to go back to school tomorrow. I get up, brush my hair and my teeth.

All the sudden I hear clinking and clacking downstairs. Suddenly I am panicking again, jeez it isn't even 11:00 AM and I already feel like I should have taken my mom up on that offer in 6th grade to get put on anxiety meds. I've panicked more this weekend than I have ever. I guess getting held at gun point will do that to you. 

I need to focus; someone is in my house.  I went back to panicking, grabbed my old softball bat from like 7th grade when I used to play, and slowly made my way downstairs. My bat held up and my eyes kept forward I check the living room. No one is there. As I get closer to the kitchen I hear talking. I also smell food being cooked. So, people break into my house to make themselves breakfast. I guess I would do that too if I am just going to break into someone's house.

I get closer and closer, and I realize the voices aren't strangers' voices, those are my parents. I set the bat down and storm into the kitchen to find my parents here.  I thought they weren't supposed to be back in like 3 months.

"Mom, Dad what are you guys doing here? I thought you weren't supposed to be back in another 3 months." I stated and well asked in pure confusion.  "You guys nearly scared the shit out of me, I thought someone was breaking in." I stated with a little laugh. "Can you imagine someone breaking in and making themselves breakfast, who would do that." I added.

Yet the looks on their faces were anything but joking, they looked guilty and terrified. I don't know it's hard to tell what they are feeling. 

"Honey, we had to come home a lot more early then expected, we have something really important to tell you." My mother spoke. I looked in her eyes and I saw pain and regret. My mother is absolutely beautiful.  I get my eyes from her, she has long blond very blond hair. I have wavy hair that is slightly brown. My mother's hair  is needle point straight. I got my dad's hair, I guess. Speaking of my dad I looked over at him and find no emotions whatsoever. 

"Okay what's so important that you came home 3 months early and that couldn't be said over the phone." I tried to joke but my voice came off a bit shaky which I knew they noticed I was nervous and scared. I looked at my mom and the pain on her face was more intense this time.

I saw her scoop some eggs on a plate along with some bacon and my dad buttered some toast and placed it on the plate. Then they pointed at me to sit down and placed the plate of food right in front of me. They know food is my weakness. What is wrong with them they never baby me like this. I can't think of the last time they made a plate of food for me. It's been awhile like sense I was a little kid. 

"First get some food in your stomach you need to eat a bit." My mother tried to say but her voice cracked and it looked like she was in tears. 

"Mom are you about to cry." I asked. 

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