Chapter 25

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Boy was I wrong. I don't wanna be dramatic and say that this is going super terrible considering that its only been 45 minutes but things aren't exactly going as I planned. My shirt is currently just a tad bit wet from running into Theo. I was getting the drinks for one of Trish's tables while she was giving an order to the kitchen which I know how to do now. You just hang it up for them and explain anything that is special about the order. I also now how to take payments but that's  besides the point. It was an honest mistake I did not mean to run into him, but he sure didn't seem to think of it that way. 

"What so now Trish hires people that are incapable of walking with drinks in their hand." He said the veins in his neck nearly ready to pop out. He took a deep breath and said "Just watch where you're going and stay the fuck out of my way."

All I could do was nod as he bolted to the kitchen. I stood frozen as he came back out glaring at me while carrying a tray of food to his table. I finally snapped out of it and brought the drinks for table 14 to table 14. "Thank you so much." The cute little 5 year old girl said as I handed her the chocolate milk she asked for.

I just smiled and said "No problem." Then went to go find Trish. Last I saw she was heading back to the dish pit with a whole ass tray of dishes so I plan on helping her with that and informing her about my encounter with the truly rude Theo.

Once I reached the dish pit I immediatly started helping Trish. Also started informing her about what just happened with Theo. 

Once I was finished she didn't look surprised at all. "Yes he's a dick but please don't let it ruin it here for you. I know you need a job badly and I know you have to be running from someone. I'm sorry hun but not many people roll up in here with a bag homeless and all. Just try to push through I know you can do this and I can tell that you've dealt with worse. You got this." She said trying to be as encouraging as possible. It worked pretty well to because after little talk we were finished unloading those filthy tray. 

After that I followed Trish around for a little while longer. It was about 3 tables later when she decided that I was ready to take my own tables. She split her table amount with me knowing that Theo would not be willing to let me have some of his. 

It went by more smoothly than I thought. The lunch menu jut like the dinner and breakfast menu is pretty straightforward and I had no problems throughout the rest of my shift. Well besides the cold stares and occasional glares from Theo. I swear a glare from him could send a chill down anyone's spine. There was also one mishap where I had to greet one of his tables. He was in the restroom and there was no one there to greet them so I just decided to help out like Trish said. I don't think he would ever do the same and he never said thank you or anything like that. He didn't yell at me either. Just acted as if it never happened. 

I met Trish at the cashier stand so I could cash out with her. In the end I only took 3 tables one being a single top, I still have to do a cash out though. It was pretty easy though Trish guided me through hers and showed me how to do it. I then did mine and she was there to help incase I needed it but it was pretty easy.

"Did your little trainee already decide to give up." Theo snickered out coming up to grab change from the register. Not even bothering to look at us. 

"No we were just only scheduled to work this morning." I answered before Trish could because I knew her reply wouldn't have been as nice as mine. I just want peace at work. I want to stay respectful while talking to him so he has to reason to be anymore nasty than he already is. He didn't say anything he didn't even ever look at us just walked off. Maybe he has a crush on Trish and doesn't know how to express it other than bicker with her. Maybe that's his way of flirting. Doesn't explain why he's always a dick though.

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