Chapter 10

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Kadin had Connor bring me to my room. He said he had stuff to do and not to bother him or anyone else. Like I know anyone to bother anyways. I don't understand why he would want me to be here if he is just going to dump me into a room and be rude. 

The room that Connor has took me to has ascetically pleasing yellow walls, walls that remind me of a huge Sunflower field. Connor said that Kadin had picked the room out. He calls me Sunflower which baffles me. How did he know Sun Flowers were my favorite flowers? It's kind of creepy how he knows everything, but I shouldn't be surprised, he's probably known my parents for a while. 

I guess if I am going be here a while might as well unpack because what's the point of trying to escape right off the bat, all eyes are on me.  I didn't even get a chance to look at the bed. Can you guess what is on the comforter? Yup you got it, Sun Flowers. The sheets are a pastel yellow. Kadin may be a bit of a dick, okay maybe more than a bit of a dick, anyways the point is he sure would make a great room designer. 

I feel like a princess who is getting ready to get sentenced to death or something. This room is everything I wanted but at such a horrible place. It almost ruins the color yellow and sunflowers for me, key word almost. 

I don't think Kadin really thought about what to do with me. Yeah, the room is decorated but what did he expect for me to do, just sit here all day like a doll. That's how this room is staged almost like a doll house, it's too perfect. I feel like a brat for complaining but I feel like given the situation complaining is okay. 

Kadin probably doesn't trust me to do anything anyways probably why he locked me in here. Once again, how am I supposed to bother people if I am locked in here? 

Suddenly I find myself thinking about how creepy it is that Kadin knows about my love for sunflowers again. I mean I get it he is a gang leader but it's almost like he is trying to do something nice, but it's just coming off as creepy and obsessive. 

Before I know, hours of thinking and hours of denying that I will be trapped here forever, or at least until he kills me because I don't see him letting me go. They don't even let their own members just go, why would they let me do that. I hear knocking at the door. 

"Come in." My soft yet firm voice yells. At least you didn't stutter Chloe.

In comes Connor. "Mr. Sparks wanted me to come and get you for dinner, he's waiting for you." He stated then simply left. I looked at the time and indeed it was 6:37 P.M at night. Wow time flies by when you get kidnapped.  I guess I do get to leave the room and eat dinner. Wonder what other things I will get to do here. 

I sigh and look in the mirror while I come to find that my hair is a horrid mess. I pick up my brush and quickly brush out the raggedy knots. Once I feel my hair is presentable I toss the brush onto my bed. I re-position my clothes to make sure they are in place and it looked right. 

Once I was finally satisfied with my look I turn out my light shut my door and head to the kitchen. As hitting the kitchen an aroma of delicious smell shit my senses.  I look at the kitchen and I see Kadin over the stove and cooking.

"I didn't know you cook, I thought you had people for that." I couldn't help but interrupt. He quickly tenses and turns around with his eyes furrowed. I guess I shouldn't have said that, but I can't help it, he kidnapped me might as well go out with a bang. 

"Well, it may come as a shock to you, but I still know basic household stuff, my staff is only here sometimes for special occasions or hard times, maybe even lazy times Sunflower." He stated going back to what he is doing.

I rolled my eyes, yeah because saying staff in a plural sense is normal. I think his staff is another word for gang. 

"Well in that case what will be on the menu tonight." I asked trying to avert to a normal conversation. Other than money and gangs and the "bad" stuff.

"Shrimp and Broccoli Alfredo if that is alright with you." He replied a little annoyed with my attitude. 

"Thank you." I said giving up with this little back and forth. 

I looked to find the table and sat down, there was already an ice water there and some wine. I don't trust him or his motives, I will not be eating this or drinking any of that. 

Finally, he starts getting out two plates, and two forks. He buts a gracious amount on both plates and walks towards me. He sets a plate in front of me then sat down right across from me. Something was off, he seems more in business mode then in heartless jerk mode. 

"Thank you, Kadin." I spoke. He didn't say anything and started to eat. I however just moved my food around with my fork. Getting kidnapped really kills your appetite otherwise this would be hard. 

Suddenly he broke the silence. "Why aren't you eating any of it?" His voice boomed. Clearly not pleased.

I glared at him. "I'm sorry Kadin, I know you went through all the trouble of making this. I just have no appetite. I'm sure you understand." I said not even looking up from the now dry noodles. 

He looks pissed but doesn't respond to me. I can see that had to of gotten to him so for this moment I feel like I won. Point Chloe. 

"So, Chloe, you know how I basically own you now right?" Kadin said, quick to change the subject. I had spoken to soon. All I could do was nod; I couldn't even give him the satisfaction of my words right now. Clearly there is no winning with him. 

He smirks at me. "Well Chloe listen, I have a bit of a job for you, I don't care if you don't like it, you will do it, or I will shoot every single member left in your family." He said the smirk never leaving his face. I was shaken. What is he going to have me do sell my body to men, or worse sell other women to men.

"I am not selling my body to men Kadin." My voice shot back firmly. His face crinkled up almost as he was hurt, I would say such thing. Yeah, right like a gang leader asking a young girl of that, wait no forcing, is completely insane. I am the insane one. 

"I am not going to sell you to men Chloe what the fuck." He shouted. All I could to was shrug. "Listen some guys get in so much debt and have so many warnings they already know most of my men, those men who owe me money get away because they expect my men to come, your job is to dress hot and slutty and you will seduce those men to their deaths, its simple." He said carelessly. 

What. The. Fuck.


HEY GUYS, Chapter 10 for ya. It may be a bit shorter, but something huge happened. POOR CHLOE. Anyways thank you all for the comments and support in my story. I am so happy for the success and I love that you guys enjoy reading the book I am creating. Please reach out and give me any suggestions or advice, love you see you for Chapter 11. 



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