Chapter 1

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Okay so hey my name is Heaven and I have a passion for writing. Now just because I have passion for it doesn't mean I have perfect grammar or spelling I wish but no, so if you would kindly ignore my grammatical errors during this book that would be great. Also rude comments yeah those things we can do without those so, take your negativity somewhere else. Enjoy!

P.O.V Chloe

As I walk through the school I see people. They all laugh with their friends and joke around. Except for me. Its not like they bully me or anything, they just simply ignore me and my over all existence. I don't have the usual best friend in high school, I don't even have a friend to begin with. People here are so nose deep into popularity its hard to find someone who truly wants to be your friend. So I remain friendless. Plus I am extremely shy and making friends with someone comes to be a challenge for me. 

Of course I do have a few acquaintances in classes and such but nothing more. I eat lunch in the school library by myself of course.  I have only a couple people's numbers, and only one of them calls me. Not including my mom and dad. Her name is Sonny. We rarely talk and the only reason I have her number is because of some school project. Which resulted with me coming to her house and meeting her family. Including her alcoholic sister Amber. I remember being over there and her barley even being able to take a shower even though she was covered in her own vomit.

For a while me and Sonny got close and we ended up telling each other everything. She ended up confiding in me and telling me all of her problems with life that apparently no one else knows about. I thought we would become long term friends. I actually broke out of my shell for a bit, guess not. 

Oh well lets not dwell on it and just go to first hour. I am a senior in high school. So all of my major credits have been taken care of. To avoid doing any common core classes this year I decided my freshman year to do summer school and take care of some over the summers. 

So for this year I only have classes that will either prep me for my college profession or other credit classes that I need. I have 3 classes a day that are prepping me for college, the other 4 are either extra, such as fine arts classes. Just so happens that my first hour class is acting and improve.  

I see the classroom door and the teacher that usually greets us in the morning me we enter. Our Drama teacher is absolutely the best ever not only teachers Drama or acting and improve but is also a honors English teacher. She is so well educated but also passionate about her job. 

I sit down and my usual per sit, but it only lasts a few seconds before we have to get up and do acting exercises and so on. And that's how the rest of the class went..


The final bell rings signaling that the school day is finally over.  Today is Friday which means we are getting released into the weekend. On any other day we get off at 3:00 P.M, but Fridays are one of the only exception of getting out early by only a hour but still. 

Considering the fact that its Friday I guess I should be more excited right? Wrong. I know this might go against any normal teenage thing ever, but school is the highlight of my day. I really do nothing else but study and read. I live a pretty uneventful and boring life that consists of a repeating pattern of, wake up, eat, go to school, eat again, go home, read, go to bed, and the process happens all over again. 

Now I am kind of itching to get onto the subject of my parents. Nothing out of the ordinary accept for the fact that my parents are workaholics that should be back home today. Yet I still have to walk home. Doesn't make much sense does it. 

Now before you ask, yes I do have a car. Yet it was my amazing idea to walk today cause I thought they would pick me up, then I guess their flights got messed up or something. The walk will only be about 20-25 minutes but still. I'm not much of a cardio or exercise kind of girl. 

Before I know it I am back at my house. Yet one thing is missing, my parents car. Me being my freaking hopeful self I'm thinking 'Oh they just took a taxi here and left their flipping car at the airport'.  I'm not sure if I'm just dump or hopeful at this point. 

Nothing less I make it to my door and I turn the knob, only to find it locked. Which only increased my suspicion, even though I am still praying to god that I am just being a crazy person. I take out my house key and shove it in the hole to get into my home. 

"Mom, Dad are you home?" my voice rang through the house but pure silence soon followed after. I sighed and threw my house key onto the kitchen table. me still being hopeful, or dumb. I check the entire house, that includes all the rooms upstairs ( my room, their room, guest room, oh and the bathroom.) 

Welp they have done it again. I went back downstairs to find a not on the Island in the kitchen.


Hey honey me and your father are very sorry to inform you that we were called into another business trip. We are so sorry baby we really wish we could have stayed home but work calls and we need to get money some how. We did go grocery shopping so you should be fully stocked. We will be gone for about 3 more months I know we have been gone for long but we love you,  we will be back and we will stay after those 3 months I promise.


                                                                                                                                                                        Mom and dad

Great again they have done this, and last time they made the same exact promise. I sigh and head upstairs for a shower. I hope I at least will get to see them before I leave for college I thought before heading upstairs.

Hey guys!  Well I actually hope people are reading this but probably not. I just hope the first chapter was good. It felt good to write it so I hope it was good to read it. Next Chap

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