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"I can remember your smiles, the way your eyes light up when excited, your heartbeat when close to me... I can remember you" ~Aiyla

One year later***

Na'im moved around his luxurious penthouse building which he had moved into two weeks after coming to Saudi Arabia as his home was too big and lonely for him alone. He missed Nigeria but his parents made the right decision to keep him away from home, now at 26, he's better and ready to go home

The guys call him almost everyday and Jamie and Kamal comes to SA to visit him a lot, the others come once in three months or soo and Ruha, she has been with him through out, since he left, through phone calls and lots more, he looked forward to it every single day of his life, apart from that, all he does is going for therapy appointments and does charity and philanthropy work, it keeps his mind off a lot of things

He went to the kitchen ready to cook breakfast for himself, there was cereal, tea, break and pancake batter, pancake it is, he made some fluffy japanese pancakes with orange juice, whipped cream and maple syrup. He sent a pic of it to Ruha and began to eat. Today, he has his final appointment with his therapist after which he's going straight to Hungary then Iceland before going to meet his parents in London

When he was done he took his coat and walked out with his phone and wallet, today he's going to walk, he's going to enjoy being free, its his last day

He arrives under 30 minutes and went straight in to the walls that have held soo many memories in the past year, from tears to laughter to many thing, this walls have seen it all, his therapist, Dr Munir Ateef was seated on his pure white couch watching him like he always does, in the past year they've become friends, he tries everyday to be better, for himself and all those around him and Dr Munir helped him a lot

"Na'im" Na'im looked at him with a smile "how are you today?"

Na'im smiled "happy, excited, sorta free" he sat down on the rug and laid his head on the white couch behind him before looking at the ceiling filled with quotes, Ruha would have loved it, maybe he'll do something like that for her "I'm going back home, I miss it, I miss her"

"Where's home Na'im?" The doctor asked

"Wherever Ruha is, that's my home" he smiled remembering how much of a tantrum he threw when his mother told him he was going to spend the summer in Abuja yet that's the greatest decision of his life. He had thrown that coin up in the air, just like he did every time, he didn't rely on the answers, it was just a habit but he knew the answer before he even threw it, heads said he goes and he did

He met a broken girl in that place, someone whom he loved, someone who gave him soo much to remember... Ruha, his hayaati

"Do you think you can go back there on your own?"

He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard that question "I can. I will not let it define me. I want to be someone my kids will look up too, it will still hunt me but I'll be fine"

"I want to know something though Na'im, what happened to Alec?"

"I killed him" he answered silently, remembering the shot he had fired to save Melanie, it was worth it. He had lost his humanity a long time ago, killing Alec was just an icing on the cake "I don't know if Allah will ever forgive me but I had no other way, I live begging for forgiveness doc"

"What will you do after you leave here?"

"There's a girl who thinks I'm worth waiting for back home, I'm going back to her and if she accepts and Allah wills, I'll make her the person to complete half of my deen" Na'im looked up and smiled at the old doctor "I'm happy doc, I feel better and I can't thank you enough"

Dr Munir nodded, at first it had started with simple Qur'an recitations and become something both are proud of "Na'im, I declare our sessions over, it was nice knowing you, I wish you good luck and also send me an IV to your wedding, I'll like to meet her"

Naim stood up and smiled walking to the door, he opened it then paused and looked back "in sha Allah, thank you doc, for everything, Jazakallah khairan, fiamanillah"

He walked out feeling free as the wind blew his hair back, he breathed in the Makkan air smiling before he began aimlessly walking, the next second isn't guaranteed but for now... he's contented and happy Alhamdulillah





We are almost done my darlings, my heart breaks... 😭💔

Pls read, comment, vote and share

Smile. Laugh. Love. Live


~butter Aiyla💜😉

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