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"Sometimes you just need a moment to breath, to pause the happenings in your life" Aiyla

The day began like any other ones but as usual, it was raining like hell, the blessings of Allah upon them as they all moved around the house. Ruha signed looking up, she's back to where it all started because of a similar situation

Farha was also in the room on her phone like she has been all day long for the past week and Ruha smiled knowing Nurayn has done it

The rain slowly came to a stop and Ruha walked out of the house to the top of the mountain at the backyard to enjoy the view

She was seated all alone for a few minutes in solace just watching as the rainbow became visible and the sun appear above the city of Abuja. Her home

"A naira for your thoughts" a husky melodious voice interrupted her and she looked up, the first thing she noticed was a pool of hazel having the faintest hint of forest green. He gave her no expression which she has gotten used to for the past week and he's dressed in his signature dressing just like her, a red hoodie and black sweatpants

She shook her head snapping out of his hypnotizing gaze. She continued staring into space aware of him seated beside her. The silence was soothing, it was calming and for a while they were in their own world, in their safety bubble


She wondered why she was being dragged to a function when all she wanted to do was stay at home but nooo her family members want to go for a picnic in Jabi park and they invited their next door neighbors who accepted the invitation

Ruha dragged her self to her wardrobe and wore her blue high-low with black and white designs then her black leggings, sneakers and veil, she changed her phone case and grabbed a shoulder bag and went downstairs beside Farha

The family was going around the house cooking and all while some were preparing the baby bags and the kids were running around

She was told by Amma that the next week weekend, a BBQ was going to be organized and they could all invite their friends, it is after all summer and lots of events happen. Tournaments begin after that and of course her cousins were going

She joined the parents and Amma in the kitchen helping them pack and take things to the car, they were going in 4 cars while the neighbours were coming in theirs

After being ready, she hopped into the same car as Yusuf, Kamal, Farha and Tahir. Jamal was driving in the other car and she didn't get there fast enough

The drive was quiet and they reached the fairly full park safely. They alighted and set the picnic up for everyone

The neighbours were there with Farha and Nurayn talking and the others catching up or using their phone meanwhile Ruha walked away from there loneliness gnawing at her guts

The lake was serene from the side where she was, the boats moving steadily

"Moving away from the fam isn't really advised" Na'im said standing beside her, he somehow always ends up where she is

"Just needed some alone time" she replied not looking at him, not letting him know the mere presence of him was doing funny things to her, and God he smells heavenly, just like the air after the rain and a perfume and not to mention his voice, his husky, sexy voice was sending shivers down her spine! Damn hormones! Damn his obliviousness! Damn his breathtaking voice and body! She couldn't think straight or form a coherent sentence for crying out loud!

"Yeah, we all do once in a time, to breathe and get our thoughts together" he whispered, his voice held a far away tone, a voice of someone who knew what pain was

"You seem to have that a lot" she said tactically

He looked at her and found her looking at him, for the first time since he met her, her eyes held an emotion, pain, sorrow, sadness, loneliness and sometime else curiosity

"We all do Angel, we all do" he looked back at the lake "so I never got your handle or probably most preferably your number, the others do, I just wanted to ask you directly and have you give it to me yourself, on your own free will"

To say she was stunned will be an understatement. Wordlessly they exchanged numbers and handles before joining the family for fun games and pictures


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