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"People come into our lives for a reason, some stay, and some don't and some go for a while and come back" Aiyla

The parlor was noisy as her cousins conversed with their grand mother meanwhile Ruha sat on the staircase, watching and sipping her drink. Will her life ever be as perfect as theirs, less problems and memories. She blocked it
"Naira for your thoughts" she looked up and saw Jamal looking at her with a smirk. She shook her head and he looked at her quietly before sitting down beside her "this is definitely way better" She ignored him and just watched as their mouths kept running, no fullstop or comma "I'm going to stay in the country for a while, through out the summer and dad said if I'm good enough, I could continue my Uni in Nigeria, in the same uni as you, I'm soo excited"
Ruha smiled "yeah, how is Abbey?"
He shrugged "He's fine, I left him there"
Silence engulfed the siblings and it wasn't the uncomfortable one but the soothing one. Ruha rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, he wrapped his arm around her, they were in their safety bubble. Seeing this Umma snapped them and mumbled Masha Allah under her breath happy to see her granddaughter calm

Her room door swung open as she listened to music while looking out the window, watching the city of Kano in its usual chaos
A tap sounded on her body and she looked up to see her grandmother and Jamal seated on her bed, well Jamal was lying down
She removed her airpods and watched them "we came to catch up with you hayaati, how school is and all"
Ruha felt her phone leaving her lap and looked down, Jamal was going through it like it was his

"Alhamdulillah Umma, school is fine and all, we are just on a long holiday right now" she replied polietly
"And friends?" Umma asked
"They are fine Umma, everything is fine, no problems, though I was kinda pissed you didn't tell me you were going to Madinah when I was writing exams" Ruha complained
"Yeah even me, you didn't, I just viewed your status one day and saw it. We are the trio Grammy, but you didn't tell us" Jamie whined looking up from Ruha's phone "hey pretty, I added my contact number to your phone and chatted myself on WhatsApp, I followed myself in your Instagram account and added me on sc, you are welcome"
Ruha looked at him incredulously not knowing what to say, how did he get into her phone is the main question. Her password is no easy thing to figure out
"Jamal, respect yourself and sister" Umma scolded and for a split second, it was like hearing her mother's voice, a voice she knew she will never hear for the rest of her life
"I'm sorry Grammy" he apologized definitely not sorry

She rolled her eyes and threw one of her random phone cases at him. She had four of those and uses them at random. He inserted it and continued to use it

 He inserted it and continued to use it

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Ruha's phone cases

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Ruha's phone cases

And that's how the three of them spent the whole day in Ruha's room

Double updates in one day, you just gotta love your girl. How's everyone doing?

Pls don't forget to read. Vote. Comment. Suggest and share. It will mean a lot

Till next time guys


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