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"...And we part to meet" Aiyla

Abuja, Nigeria

Home. Something Ruha has come to cherish a lot, in the past years she kept up her appointment with Dr. Mu'az through facetime and Skype and she is getting better, she knows she is, she still has nightmares sure but she is sure that's already part of her, she still has a phobia for fire but she can never be fully well. The memories are engraved in her, they are part of her

But standing in the airport with her cousins and Na'im's cousins she's happy. They are together after a long time, the only person missing was the angel himself

They all exchanged hugs super excited to be in the state that brought them together. Jamaal and Muna were acting like they were glued to each other and so were Nurayn and Farha. Absence does make the heart grow fonder

"Okay so when is he going to land, he's the last person and he promised he'll be here soon" Yusuf murmured

"He's here!" Manal screamed and ran off, Ruha turned to see who she was talking about and was surprised, her breathing stopped. Na'im Ahmad Abdullah. Three years later and the guy is looking more breathtaking than the last time, dressed in his signature black clothes. The ladies were all eye raping him and she wanted to remove their eyes from its socket

He grinned hugging Manal before joining them, he greeted the parents and all the friends engulfed him in a group hug, all except Ruha as usual, she just stood aside watching them, remembering the first and last time she had been in his warm embrace. The best place in the world

Their eyes clashed and everything came to a standstill, 3 years and her heart still goes crazy in his presence; three years and yet a whole stampede is occurring in her stomach; three years and yet they somehow gravitate towards each other. Three years and nothing has changed yet soo much has changed. Something shifted within her when he smiled at her before miming "hello hayaati"

Somehow the name had stuck with her, it was either that or angel, and anytime he says either she forgets everything except him, it was his right, he owned the names and he is after all the only person allowed to call her that

"Hey" she murmured back "welcome"

"Its good to see you again Angel" yeah it is, she missed him a lot too

"You too Ahmad"

After the hugs, they finally left the airport, each separated in different cars, the love obsessed in one car and the others in the other cars and of course who were stuck with each other? Na'im and Ruha

"Sorry I didn't tell you I was coming today" Na'im apologized "I kinda wanted to surprise you"

Na'im and his surprises, something she'll never get used to "its okay" she shrugged "don't worry about it"

Silence enveloped the car as they all were lost in their thoughts and all about Addas wedding. They finally arrived at the house and all entered going straight to the living room for the breakdown of the wedding events. The one thing they were excited about

"Okay soo we are all going to Yola in a few days so the wedding events begin in three weeks. The first event is the dauran aure and after it is the male reception immediately after the dauran aure, kamu is the next day and there will be dinner that night, after dinner is walimah and then Salma will be taken to her husbands house in Abuja then we'll have the last gathering which is family dinner at cilantro got it?"

"Yes Amma" they all replied like obedient children super excited for the wedding

"Good I want all of you on your best behaviours, got it?" Amma asked

"Yes Amma"


As salaamu alaykum guys, its d last ten days of Ramadan, pls don't forget to put the entire world in prayer.... May Allah accept all our acts of ibadah... Ameen

Juma'a Mubarak ❤


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