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"Its getting colder and so is my heart. Its getting darker and so are my thoughts. The leaves are falling so am I, falling" ~Aiyla

She looked at her closet, it was still dark outside and cold and to think its 10am, its drizzling a little so she knew she'll need something warm

She found Na'ims grey hoddie in her closet somewhere and paired it with black skinnies, she wore her cap and veil with her slippers then walked out. The table was filled with noise, everyone talking and trying to get their points across and it was funny, some were on their phones though. Ruha took the seat opposite Hannan and beside Jamie, Naims cousins were all here, all excluding Na'im himself. Confused, she slipped out her phone then typed a message to him on Snapchat

Sultan, where r u? Are u okay?

She waited but never got a reply which is weird, Na'im always answers, maybe he's busy. She looked at his cousins to try to see if everything was okay, Nurayn looked bothered playing with his food so did Ali, Maleek, Haseeb and Jibril, the girls also looked tense

"Is there anything wrong?" She asked looking at each of them. They tensed but all avoided her eyes "Nurayn, Muna, Hamraa, Hanan? Anyone?"

They shrugged and sighed "we don't know, Mama told us to come over here for the day, we haven't seen Na'im since in the morning and the house had a tensed atmosphere" Hamraa blurted out

She looked at Nurayn, Yusuf, Jamie and Kamal, if its anything to do with Na'im this four will know

"Is everything okay?"

They nodded "it will be"

The day went by in a blur, Ruha sitting on the cliff waiting for Naims appearance but its like he disappeared from the surface of the earth. Tired of waiting, Ruha moved towards his house and as she was about to knock the door swung open revealing Na'im, his eyes were bloodshot, his hair was a mess dressed in a vneck shirt hoodie and sweatpant, what caught her attention though was the car key in both his and his parents hands. He looked at her but began to move

"Na'im come back, please Na'im" she heard his mom scream after him, he sprinted toward his black car and Ruha turned to his mum, sighting the car key with her she collected it "I'll bring him back"

She raced to the car the key belonged to and slipped in, the rain had began to fall but Na'im was more important, he looked crazed, suicidal even. She drove out in speed following him, she passed her and his cousins but didn't pay attention, her mind was on her not to well boyfriend

She heard her phone ring and she answered "Ruha"

"Ruha, where the hell are you and Na'im going driving this fast?"

"I don't know Jamie, I had to follow him, he looked scary, suicidal, look I've got to go"

She hung up before he could protest and tried calling Na'im but it went to voicemail "Na'im stop the damn car, you'll get yourself killed"

She tried again but the same result "Na'im if you are hearing this, its your hayaat, your life Sultan, please stop the car, baby please, you don't need to come back, just stop driving at that speed"

She tried again "Sultan, I'm begging you, babe please, for me, I'm scared, I can't live without you, please stop the car, please, I won't be able to bear it if something happens to you, Sultan please, Ruha can't be without her Na'im"

She tried calling him again, sniffing away the tears "Sultan, please, I won't force you to talk but please stop the car, for me baby, please"

Sh tried again "Sultan, I can't loose you, Na'im Ahmad Abdullah, if you are hearing this, I'm pleading with you, stop your car, please"

She was driving above speed limit to keep up with him, it was raining heavily and how they are both driving and still alive is a wonder "Na'im, with the speed we are driving at, we can kill a person, please slow down before we have an accident"

Jamie had called her then, she picked it "Ruha where the hell are you two, everyone is worried sick"

"I don't know Jamaal, trying to keep up with Naim, he's driving like a maniac and is capable of killing someone or himself and me, I'm trying to stop him, I've sent him voicemails because  100% sure his phone is with him but he isn't answering Jamie, he can hear me but he isn't answering" she sniffed back her tears "I can't loose him Jamie, I can't"

Jamaal sighed "Ruha, you won't but you guys driving like maniacs won't help with anything, you need to come back home"

"I can't Jamie, I can't leave Na'im"

"Ruha" he warned

"I need you to try to track him, to do anything to neutralize him, I'm not coming back home without him safe and sound Jamaal and you damn well know it" she snapped increasing her speed before she loses him

"His security detail is behind you two, don't you dare and I mean dare get yourself killed, I'm on my way, I'm joining this crazy race of yours"

He hung up before she could complain and she concentrated on following and calling Na'im


Everything was passing through him like a flash back, he tried to block it but him, he couldn't, he could hear Ruha's pleading voice, he could see her chasing me but for the life of him, he couldn't stop, he tried but couldn't

"Sultan, If you are still listening to this, I want you to know any crazy decision you make will take both you and I to our grave, well most likely me so before doing anything crazy please think about Me and and the others waiting for you at home"

It went off before she tried again "Sultan, if we never make it out of this alive, I want you to know, I love you, I never really said the words to you but i love you, I love your smile, I love your past, your present, the you of today, yesterday and tomorrow, I love you no matter what you've been through, I love you my King with every atom of me left, I love you Na'im Ahmad Abdullah and I don't think I can live without you, you gave me back my smiles, you gave me hope, you helped me get back up, you picked up the broken pieces of my heart and soul and together both you and I glued me back into something more beautiful... Thank you for that... And I want you to know that I won't press you to talk" sniff "I will follow to the ends of the earth if that's what I have to do tonight, no matter the risks because Hayaati isn't complete without her Sultan, because my life isn't complete without my king, please come back to me, please Na'im, please... I love you Sultan, please slow down"

This time he tried, he really tried to stop, his anchor was right behind him, he packed the car at the side of the road and rested his head on his steering wheel sniffing back the tears that were falling, he heard the car door opening, the familiar Ruha scent filling the car and he felt himself being engulfed in a hug, he hugged her back, she was wet but he didn't care, his tears was soaking her

She peppered him with kisses whispering sweert nothings into his ear while massaging him through his hair

They sat there, in each others embrace away from everything they ever knew in their own little bubble

Na'im will be fine, maybe not today but she knew one day


After the hugs he received the minute they walked into the house, his mother dropped the bomb on him, he isn't surprised anyway "you are going back to Hungary then Saudi Arabia, your therapist is expecting you"

He nodded "okay ma"

"Your flight is for tomorrow, your dad will take over the company from you till you are better, got it"

He nodded "yes ma"

"Good, let's get you changed" he nodded and let her change him before laying down on her lap and letting her lull him to sleep


As an apology, double update😘 love you all❤

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