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"True happiness is spreading happiness" ~Aiyla

Nigerian weddings, Ruha mused, the most dramatic weddings in the world filled with all types of relatives

She tried squeezing past an auntie to go to Adda Salmas room but nothing ever goes right, she was stopped by an aunt

"Na'am" she answered

"Kije ki kawo muni abinci (go and get me food)"

"An aike ni zuwa amarya, ya hakuri, zan aiko maki wata (I was sent, I'm sorry, I'll tell send someone to you soon)" Ruha apologized and went upstairs not before sending a maid to the woman, she entered Addas room which had the brides maids talking while Addas make up was being applied as the groom was coming to meet her for a few minutes

She sat on the chair beside Farha and slipped out her phone seeing an incoming call from 'Sultan', she slipped on her airpods and answered, there was obviously noise in the background but the imams voice was audible as he gave the sermon and joined them in holy matrimony

She looked up once she heard the public announcement and true to her, Addas eyes were glazed over as she looked into her phone

Ruha pipped and saw it 'welcome to the new life Mrs Idris. I love you'

She knew who it was, from downstairs the women were screaming An daura aure. The girls hugged Adda who was seriously crying

"Sanu da zuwa ango" the girls heard from downstairs. Of course!

They cleaned up Adda and waited for them to be given the order to take her to where the groom was

Their aunt came in "bring her down"

The bridesmaids tied their headties and moved out in pairs to the huge parlor. They let her in and closed the door behind them standing outside like paid bodyguards. The groomsmen stood beside them as some began conversing, due to the event, the grooms men and bridesmaids became acquainted with each other in case of emergency

Almost an hour later, the newly weds came out, Adda was seriously blushing while Hafeez was grinning

"Hey guys" they both greeted

"Hey, Hafeez, its time to leave" the bestman informed

"Sure thing, thanks ladies" Hafeez waved and they were out, they took Adda back to her room admist the praises

"Now they will go and enjoy the reception without us" Muna grumbled

"Jealousy" Hanan fired back


The next day was the kamu and they were all running around trying to make the grooms family comfortable

Ruha sighed passing her hand through her face, she's freaking exhausted and she just wants to crash and she's not even the bride

She finally escaped but was forced to sit down for them to do henna for her, the budan kai and sayan baki has happened and the bride has literally become a millionaire

"What type do you want?" Her henna woman asked

"Simple please and I want my nails pure black"

The henna woman nodded and began putting the cold liquid on her smooth soft slender hand "do you have a boyfriend or maybe fiancé?"

Ruha blushed bright red, the first person that popped into her head was Na'im "no, I don't"

"Well before this wedding ends, I'm very sure guys will be clamoring for your number, you are very beautiful masha Allah" the henna woman said

Ruha blushed at this "um.. Thank you, please what's your name?"

"Summayya, you fah?"


"Toh Hajiya Ruha, please your second hand"

Ruha handed her her second hand and let her do her work, she did it super fast on both the hands and legs before moving on to next person

She watched as cousins kept on entertaining the visitors and soon it was all over


Hey guys,

Hw are you and everyone at home? Hope you are doing well...

Anyways, here's an update, I'm sorry for how late it is... I was caught up in something...

Stay well, stay safe

~Aiyla 😘

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