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"We meet to part..." Aiyla

Its a night to them separating, a night to the dreaded day and here they all are, in Na'im's living room watching the video from their first meeting to date... The food fights... The screams... The rude awakenings... The backing competitions... The water fights... So much in such a small span of time...

"Let's play truth or dare" Muna said grabbing a bottle "its the one game we all haven't played"

They all sat down in a circle and waited as Muna spun it. It handed on Nurayn and Farha... Farha being the darer

"Okay Nurayn... Truth or dare?" She asked with a sinister smirk


She grinned "go and get sand and mix it in water" he did as she said and brought it back "put your face in it for 2 minutes"

Nurayns eyes widened and so did the others "the hell?!"

"Baby, hurry"

"You are evil"

"Thank you" she said it like it was a compliment, in a way it was

They all brought out their phones ready to record it and post it. Nurayn grumbled and did as he was told earning screams and laughter. His time was up and the minute he brought it out, the laughter increased, he looked hilarious  with wet sand dripping off his face "free spa day Nurayn"

He stood up and went to wash his face but when he came back they were all still laughing. He glared at his girlfriend "I hate you all"

It made them laugh harder while rolling on the floor at his expense

"Okay that's enough, you evil people"

It finally stopped and Nurayn spun. It stopped at Yusuf and Afra, Afra being the darer "Yusuf dear Yusuf" he gulped "I dare you to wear that princess gown in the living room with a tiara"

His eyes went wide "you can't do this to me, I'm a male"

She rolled her eyes and looked at her nails "a dare is a dare"

The others were already laughing. Yusuf did as he was told and came out sulking annoyed... The dress had been for a school play of Hamraa but it was too big so they were going to give it away but Yusuf had been mocking it all week. They snapped pics in successions laughing, by now tears were rolling out of their eyes. Its hilarious... He finally ran back after the photoshoot was done. Poor Yusuf!

"I hate you all" they didn't care, they were all laughing

Next were Jamal and Jibril. Jamal being the darer " I dare you to sing 'I'm a Barbie girl' and dance to it"

Jibril was mortified "guy that's humiliating"

"Too bad" he smirked

Jibril mumbled something about karma being a bitch and he did as he was told imitating Barbie while dancing to the song. It was scarring!

The night went like that... Crazy dares... Stupid things... The joy of friends love


Nnamdi Azikewe airport was filled with passengers who were leaving or entering the country... It was a bittersweet moment for all of them

Na'im, Jamal and Nurayn were going back to the UK for school. Hamraa was going back to Liverpool. Yusuf, Tahir and Faisal were going to the US. Ali and Malik were going to Canada. Haseeb and Jibril were going to Egypt and Ya Kamal was going to Abu Dhabi

They were going to be scattered around the world, most probably not going to meet for a few years

There were tears in their eyes as they looked at each other

Ruha stood behind... She has always hated goodbyes

"Its time again lil sis" Jamaal whispered wrapping his arms around her "I really hoped I could stay" Jamaal was declined transfer to Nile but was taken to the UK to the university his late mother went to, it was her wish and he had no choice but to do it

"Its no big deal Jamie" she whispered fighting the tears, he's leaving after she got used to him being there for long, he's leaving for who knows how long this time, she's going to miss him most especially... Her elder brother, her best friend

"I'm glad I came home this summer" he said "its one of the best decisions of my life, it would have sucked if I didn't and missed all the fun"

Ruha rolled her eyes "you mean it would have sucked if you didn't meet Muna" they involuntarily looked at Muna who was hugging Nurayn "go and spend your last minutes with her"

He pecked her forehead and left to Munira leaving her in her thoughts

"I'm sorry" Na'im... One week of not talking, one week of longing gazes yet ignoring each other... One week. 7 days

She didn't speak because frankly she didn't know what to say

"I'm sorry for everything Angel, I'm going to miss you soo freaking much!" He said "you mean a lot to me and I don't want us to separate ways like this... I'm going to miss our midnight calls, I'm going to miss hanging out on the cliff, I'm going to miss my insomnia partner, I'm going to miss Angel, I'm going to miss you Ruha"

Ruha looked up at him "I thought you hated me"

"How can I hate someone who gave me soo much to remember? How can I hate someone who was there when I needed a friend? How can I hate someone who trusted me enough to see her raw for who she really is, who trusted me enough to know what happened to her parents?... How can I hate the quiet girl who made me laugh? How can I hate someone who makes me want to stay back?"

Ruha was moved to tears then... She's going to miss him alot

"Thank you" she said, its been long over due "for everything"

"No sorrys and thank yous between friends"

The announcement sounded and it finally hit home... Its time for goodbyes, they had their final group hug and separated, all having tears in their eyes... They are gonna miss each other but it wasn't a farewell, no, it was a see you later

They all have unfinished business and were all going to come back one day to the place that gave them soo much to remember in so little time but for now... It was a pause in their group adventure... Its time to take on the world individually



Just kidding

See you next chapter guys



Ramadan Kareem

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