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"Every ending is the start of a new a beginning, at the end I want to stand right at the beginning with you" ~Aiyla

Makkah, Saudi Arabia

One year later*

The lights filtering through their windows woke Na'im out of his slumber and he tried to move but was stopped by the beautiful woman lying closed to him with her head on his chest, her long hair around the pillows, she looked angelic with her pouted lips and hand around him as she slept


Na'im thanked Allah everyday for bringing her into his life, her smiles have become his smile, her tears have become his

"Baby, Hayaati" he slowly shook her littering kisses on her shoulder waking her up, she looked soo beautiful as she stretched adorably before opening her eyes, her lips had a small smile on them

"Good morning love, time to get ready"

She whined snuggling closer to him, the soft material of his shirt and her body tickling his shirtless self "I wanna sleep in"

"But the guys are waiting for us baby"

She shook her head, Na'im had no choice but to pick her up bridal style and take her to the bathroom, not before stealing a kiss though

After they showered and dressed, they walked out hand in hand towards the restaurant to meet the rest of the gang for breakfast, they had all taken a break from work to come and pray in Makkah together for everyone they lost in their journey to becoming who they are

After greeting, they all sat down talking, joking and laughing. Just like the family they were, they'll always be there when they need each other, they will always be part of each others story. At the beginning, they weren't fully okay but after lots of preserverance they were there, happy and proud

After breakfast, they all moved towards the kaabah, its their last day here and what better way to spend it than in the house of God together, to thank him for his blessings

Ruha's hands entwined with Na'im's as they prayed, for happiness, love and infinite blessings, looking at him now and everyone that surrounded her, she smiled, thanking Allah for bringing them into her life

Their story isn't over yet, it might have just began, but they know they'll be together, through the sad times, through the happy times, they are the stories they live by everyday, the stories and memories they cherished... The stories they'll forever remember

They didn't have forever, they knew that but they had each other to pick them up when one was down

And as the first rain drops fell in the city of Saudi Arabia for the first time that year, she remembered, and had a proud smile

The ones they lost will forever be remembered, the ones that they have will forever be cherished, and the ones that they will have will forever be taught the importance of what they have

This isn't an ending..


Its just the start of another chapter in their lives.... They will be fine, after all they have each other


Heres to the ones that we got,
Cheers to the wish you were here but you're not,
Coz the drinks bring back all the memories,
Of everything we've been through,
Toast to the ones here today,
Toast to the ones that we lost on the way
Cause the drinks bring back all the memories and the memories bring back memories bring back you

Official ending: 5th May 2020. 02:05am
Wattpad ending: 18th August, 2021. 13:13pm. 9th of Muharram 1443AH

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