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"New people, new characters...." Aiyla

"My parents are coming to Nigeria" Na'im said dropping the bomb on Ruha "they are gonna be here for a while"

Ruha didn't know what to say as she stared at him, NYSC camp was over and now they were all in different work places, she in the embassy. She was meeting Naims parents, she knew close to nothing about them and now they were gonna be there and as neighbors too, she's freaking out

"When?" She asked looking anywhere but at him trying to assimilate

"Saturday" he replied "and they wanna meet you guys"

"Meet? Oh Allah!" She groaned and closed her eyes shut feeling the head ache hit her

"They aren't that bad hayaati"

She sighed "I know, I'm just you know, trying to assimilate"


Na'im stood at the airport waiting for his parents to come out, its been months since he last saw them, they've been busy in the UK while he has been in Nigeria. This is the first time in almost 15 years that they are coming back home

He grinned when he sighted his parents and hurriedly went to them, he was pulled into a hug by both immediately

"Look how slim you have gotten Na'im, I always tell you to take care of your health" she sounded just like Ruha who scolded him for the same reason, the truth is he's still the same build but noo, apparently the women in his life don't think soo

"Mum, I'm fine really" he said collecting her suitcase before putting his arms around her shoulder "dad help me out here please"

The glare his mother shot his dad, daring him into opposing her had him raising his hands in the air in surrender and giving Na'im the look that said 'you are on your own' "Na'im, your mum is right, you are slimmer, what have you been eating"

"And if you say junk food Na'im, oh Allah help me that I won't freeze all your accounts and full your fridge with vegetables for a year" Na'im shut up knowing she was capable, after all she is a Nigerian mother

"Mum, I promise, I've been eating, Ruha literally watches my food intake now" he whined. Apparently, she didn't trust him not to eat junk food every minute so she made sure to check in on what he is consuming, if he didn't love her, he would have gone against her orders but fortunately or unfortunately when it comes to Ruha, he's like a puppy

"Ruha" his mother mused, her eyes lighting up in amusement "how is my daughter in law?"

His parents found out about Ruha mysteriously and they are literally in love with her, she's one of the reasons they came to the country

Na'im blushed in embarrassment but answered anyway "Alhamdulillah"

"I hope you've been taking care of her Na'im" his father asked "or else, your mum and I are gonna deal with you"

"I have, trust me" he slipped into the drivers seat and switched on the ignition driving towards their home, while catching up with them

They arrived home and went to their room to sleep off jet lag while Na'im sat in the living room but of course, the boys just had to barge in. Jamaal, Yusuf, Kamal and Nurayn

"Yo" Jamaal said flopping on the couch, Yusuf on the other hand went straight to the kitchen "Yusuf, please bring get me that frozen yoghurt"

"Yusuf, abeg get me any sweet thing in the fridge" Nurayn added

"Let mum and dad catch you guys" Na'im snickered remembering what she once did to them when they were in school

"Mama is here?" Nurayn asked "and you didn't inform us, what the heck dude"

He shrugged "I forgot and I am telling you guys now aren't I?"

"Yusuf please come with apples for us" Kamal shouted

"Wai now all of you guys have turned me into your errand boy koh? Waya all of you stand up and go to the kitchen and get what you want" he grumbled sitting close to Na'im with his malt

Jamaal grumbled but stood up and went to the kitchen and came back with his junk food, Jamaal is the King of Junk food, he's worse than Na'im "They are presently on Farha's case to bring a husband. They said she's old enough now"

"What?!" Nurayn asked chocking on his malteasers "but Salmas wedding was just a few months ago"

"An aunt complained about how she and you are and said if you are serious by now you would have sent your folks over but since you haven't toh that means you are just using her, her fathers father forced her to provide a suitor within three months" Jamaal explained

"The hell, why wasn't I informed?" He asked confused

"Maybe she didn't wanna bother you or something you know"

"What about Ruha?" Na'im found himself asking

"Umma is in charge of her, since Amma and my Abbey are her moms siblings then they have the final say but Ruha also has aunties and uncles even grandparents from her dads side and they also met with Umma and Abbey when he came for Salmas to ask when Ruha was gonna provide a husband, she was given till she's 23, if she doesn't have by then, measures will have to be taken, Ruha doesn't know yet"

"You mean to say, this happened months ago Jamie and you just remembered to inform us" Nurayn asked pacing around the room "I need to talk to Farha urgently, excuse me"

He raced out of the room "he might just make things worse" Kamal mused from where he was sitting "Farha hasn't been herself since then"

Na'im meanwhile was lost. Ruha has a year and he sure as hell doesn't know what to do, he can't loose her but will Ruha ever agree to marry him?


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