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"Memories hunt us" Aiyla

It wasn't the same, it will never be the same, her heart beat in her chest furiously. Years later, she's back and she's scared

The memories flooded into her head suffocating her, making her loose her consciousness. She needed something to hold onto, she needs an anchor, something to drag her into reality

As though sensing it, Jamal engulfed her in a hug whispering soothing words to her trying to bring her desperately back to reality

Her removed her from his hug but held her at arms length shaking her lifeless body "Ruha, I need you to follow my voice, I need you to breath, come on Ruha, don't let go of that string. Ruha!"

She whimpered "J... Jamal.. Ammiey, I want my Ammiey"

He hugged her tightly "shhh baby girl, Ammiey is in a better place now, Allah loves our Ammiey"

She nodded "yes, He does"

And that's how they stayed till they reached their huge family house. The whole family contributed to building it and it had a mountain view, there was another serene white glass house by her right and a white Mercedes convertible stopped at the gate of the majestic house, the car had tints but its obvious its a boy. He rolled his window down and her breath hitched. He's breathtaking and its obvious he's not fully Nigerian and didn't stay here for long either. Their eyes clashed Hazel against dark brown

"Yo dude" his head snapped to Yusuf

"Yeah?" He asked raising a perfect eyebrow. Damn his Brit accent is hot

"You are the neighbour?" Yusuf asked. By now everyone was looking at him

"Yeah, you guys are too right?" He asked

"Yeah, I'm Yusuf, he's Kamal, Faisal, Jamal, Tahir and these are Salma, Farha and Ruha" he introduced

"Nice to meet you guys, I'm an only kid but the rest of the cousins are inside, you can come visit sometime"

"Thanks bro and sure, prob tomorrow" Yusuf replied with a grin

"Kk hit me up before you arrive, the name is Na'im Ahmad, but you can call me Na'im" he typed in something on the keypad by the gate and it automatically opened "bye dudes" he drove in

The gateman finally appeared and opened the gate, they drove in and parked the car

They came down, grabbed their suitcases and entered inside catching rooms in the huge house. It has plenty rooms. Ruha slept off immediately. She's roommates with Farha


Ruha woke up with a start and groaned as she heard voices of adults from downstairs

She stood up and arranged her side of the room before going to the bathroom, she showered and dressed in a simple gown with three quarter sleeves, veil and slippers then went down with her phone. The whole group entered almost within the same time as she. They grabbed food which was chips and ate

After lunch, they sat down using their phones and a few of them conserved

"Okay, I just spoke to Na'im and he said we can come over now, are you girls coming?" Yusuf asked standing up

"Sure, I wanna meet the rest of the cousins" Farha said

Ruha meanwhile shook her head, she didn't want to go anywhere, she just wants to sleep in peace and continue to hate the state

"Come on Ruha you can't be the only person that doesn't show up, its going to be rude even if its just for a few minutes" Jamal said dragging her by her arms

"Noooo, I don't want to, you guys go"

"Nope, I'm not going without you, we'll just stay at home then" Jamal pouted and sat down

"Ruha!" Adda Salma warned her "stand up let's go"

Ruha groaned and did as she was ordered. She let them lead her to the house. It is majestic looking, the door opened revealing Na'im dressed in sweats and a hoodie, black and white

"Hey guys, welcome, come in" he led them into the majestic mansion, marble floors, floor to ceiling windows, high ceilings holding majestic chandeliers and of course twin marble staircase. The house was freaking cold which explains the hoddies the others are wearing

In total they were about 8 within their age group about 3 girls and the others boys. They were seated on the couch watching a Netflix movie and using their phones

"Nia please pause the movie and switch off the TV" immediately the mouth activated system did as it was told

The cousins groaned and looked at Ahmad annoyed but soon turned to friendly smiles, they stood up and looked at them "guys meet my cousins, Munira, Hanan, Afra, Malik, Ali, Najib Nurayn, Jibril and Haseeb. Guys meet Yusuf, Jamal, Kamal, Salma, Farha, Tahir, Faisal and Ria"

"Excuse me, its actually Ruha not Ria" Ruha spoke up, people mixed up her name all the time

"My apologies Ruha" the way her name rolled off his tongue sent shivers down her back. His voice is soo Masha Allah

The cousins grinned "please come and seat, we were watching a romcom, To all the boys I've loved before" Afra said, Jamie looked at her in amusement

"Yeah, come, we can play COD" Nurayn said his gaze lingering at Farha, no one noticed it but Ruha, she's very happy for a maybe relationship

"Okay then boys, get out, go wherever the heck you wanna" Manal said pushing Nurayn away, he tripped and almost fell on Farha making Ruha stifle her laughter, Manal is awesome

"Nah, why don't we do the intros correctly like what's your favorite movie" Hanan suggested sitting on the pure white couch, the others followed her lead

The others agreed and sat on the couch and the floor. They spoke of anything and everything. They ended up separating to different parts of the gigantic villa

"Okay so am I the only person who is interested in marrying peter kowinsky, I even started writing the letters to all the boys I've loved before" Afra said with a smile

"So did I" the others said in unison except for Ruha who was silent, Manal noticed this

"So Ruha, why didn't you write letters to them?"

Ruha looked at her and spoke emotionlessly "because there's been none, I've never loved any guy so why would I waste paper, besides, I'm doing dear future husband"

The girls were stunned "so you mean, you have been single since birth?"

"Yeah" she looked away not bothering to look at them, they'll get over it

"Wow, that's a new one" Hanan said

Ruha shrugged and continued watching the movie


"Ladies, let's go back home, the other parents are here and so are the rest of the cousins" Ya Kamal announced

"Okay, bye" they stood up and moved towards the door

"Ruha!" She looked up at Nurayn "I'm sorry to bother you but may I please get Farha's handle"

He was nervous she noted "yeah sure" she gave him and he thanked her before they went their separate ways


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