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"Whatever challenges you meet in life makes you stronger" Aiyla

She felt lighter, she felt a little better, she didn't know the reason but sometimes ignorance is bliss

The living room was filled with chatters from everyone as they spoke from everything to anything. Its a week to them separating so they've been spending the days with each other doing spontaneous things, they didn't want to separate but what could they do

He eyes darted to where he was seated playing COD with the other boys, he's been avoiding her for about three days now, anytime their eyes clash, he always looks away and it hurts because even if they all ignore her, he's different, she always wants him around just being there but at the same time getting closer will only serve as a bad thing because who knows what will happen once they separate

Not everything is meant to last forever

She went to the kitchen to grab a snack and was soon joined by Hamraa "aloha amiga"

"Hey" Ruha replied, she sat on the long chair resting her head on the counter. Its not like she didn't like Hamraa, its just that she didn't know her as well as she knew the others, Hamraa mostly hung out with Afra and Hanan

"Isn't the counter a lil bit cold for you?" She asked

Ruha looked up and shook her head "no, its okay"

"I'm not pesting you or anything because I know you are silent and all but why are you here all alone?"

Ruha shrugged, she didn't know, maybe to get away to think or something... She has began to get better, she knew, she has started healing and its worth it, she's proud of it

"I like the quiet, why are you here?"

"I'm a foodie"

Ruha understood immediately, Na'im's refrigerator is every child's dream, it has everything

"Guys, who wants to go for a drive, maybe drift or something?" Someone shouted from somewhere

There were collected yes and the two girls exchanged looks and went to the living room

"Come on, let's go" they went to the garage in both houses, got the cars and settled in. As usual, Ruha and Na'im were together but for once it was not calming, it was awkward and tense. He was busy driving over speed limit and she was busy looking out of the window as the houses, trees and people passed in a blur, the breeze was blowing her blush pink veil back, pushing her loose hair back

They arrived a few minutes later and packed in. Na'im was ready to bolt but she has had enough "why are you ignoring me?"

"I'm not ignoring you Ruha"

"Yes you are"

"I'm not Hayaati"

"What did you just call me?" She had tears in her eyes, the way he said it was different, more beautiful, more amazing

He passed his hand through his already messed up curls "nothing Ruha"

"Na'im, what did I do?" She pressed

He looked at her. His eyes were their beautiful captivating colour but they looked dead cold and emotionless, scary enough to make someone to run in the opposite direction "Ruha, please can you drop it, I'm not ignoring you, I'm just dealing with stuff"

Her eyes glazed over with tears. This is not her Na'im, her Na'im is more compassionate towards her, this one is treating her like a pest and it hurt... The one person she let in hurt he without a thought

"I'm... I'm sorry" she chocked back on the tears and before he could say anything she was already out and running to her home... To her room, away from him...


She was at the balcony upstairs watching the beautiful sunset and snapping it. She was enjoying the peace but of course her mind won't let her rest.. Na'im was going through her head

"He didn't mean it you know" Nurayn said, Ruha knew who he is talking about "its just he avoids getting too close Ruha, and he did to you, in the span of months, you've come to mean more than anyone does to him and he's still tying to grasp it" Ruha didn't say anything, she didn't have anything to say "give him time to come to terms with everything, give him time Ruha... He's gone through soo much its not easy"

"Its okay" she whispered. Its not but she understood... Na'im is complex, he has a lot on his plate, secrets that hunt him just like her. Its a defense mechanism

"Give him time Ruha, he cares about you more than you know, you are like his anchor, you help him without knowing so please... Stick to him.. It will all make sense one day"

One day... Such hopeful dreams with no guarantee

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