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"To move on, you just have to face your demons" Aiyla

She was seated on the her bed, reading Wattpad and listening to music when the adults barged into their room. The adults were Amma, Umma and her Uncle Hammad

"Ruha, get dressed, we are going out" her aunt said, Ruha looked at her trying to gauge what was going on in their head but they were silent and looked nervous

Shrugging it off, she grabbed her veil and shoes and went downstairs. Jamal was also going with them which she found very alarming

They all entered the car and her Uncle drove out of the premises

Ruha watched as buildings and people passed by, different people with different stories to tell, they have different choices to make everyday, some keep them going and some destroy them. In 7 billion people, sometimes all you need is one

The feeling of dread came upon Ruha as her uncle drove into a street she will remember anyday, a street she once ran trying to gain peace and help. They can't do this to her, its too early, she's not ready

The memories began flooding in like a dam finally broke, the laughter, the smiles, the screams for help, the silent prayer, her mothers last words. All of it

She could hear her name being called but she was loosing herself too much to be able to follow it, everything came to a standstill when they stopped in front of her worse nightmare. Where it all went down!

It all flashed by and stopped in that night, the fire, the screams, the shots. She couldn't hold it anymore as black dot spotted her vision before she blacked out


Her head was banging as she gained consciousness, her bed was familiar so she knew she was on her bed and at home

"She's awake" she heard someone mutter. Her vision finally cleared and she was helped to sit up and gulped water. They all looked concerned at her, everyone was in the room including the neighbours. She avoided everyone of thems gazes especially Jamal and Na'im who can read her like an open book

"Ruha..." Her grandmother started but she shook her head, her eyes were glazed over with tears and she didn't want to talk to anyone about anything, she just wanted to be alone

"Can you all please leave?" She asked politely, her voice a mere whisper emotionless but if you paid attention, the cracking could be heard, the room was pin drop before everyone went out slowly before the door was closed

The dam broke out then, she has been crying lately, but she couldn't stop it, maybe if the tears helped reduce the pain

She didn't know how long she stared outside their balcony for, all she knew was she had prayed all the prayers but time.... It was inexistent.... She was just waiting for it to swallow her whole.... Maybe the guilt will let off, maybe she will finally be free of the memories 

The door opened and she didn't look to know who entered but she was 100% sure it was more than one person.... About 3 footsteps entered and a tiny one, she didn't look up until she felt Manal hug her body as well as Adda, Farha and.... Muna.... She wasn't expecting Muna... But friends are after all family and she finally has one.... Another body joined and another and soon all the girls were in a cocon giving strength to each other. They will always be there when you need them.... It doesn't matter when.... And for that Ruha was grateful

They let go but Manal still had her arm wrapped around Ruha's body, shielding her and giving her a cute smile while at it. Manal, the kid she had named. The kid that always followed her around. Manal, Ruha and Fawwaz were always a team since they were born and Ruha was lonely and they just might always be

"Ruha, are you okay?" Adda asked concerned "its been going on for years Ruha, you have to let us in at some point"

Ruha shook her head "I'm trying Adda"

The room was silent until Afra spoke "no matter what you are going through Ruha, always know, we'll always be there when you need us... Whenever or whatever time that is"

Hanan continued "and you might not know us for long but we are a team girl, now and forever no matter what"

"You are more than our best friend girl, you are our sister... We are family... Family stick together" Muna added

"Remember, Ohana means family" Manal started "and in families, no one is left behind or forgotten" they added in chorus

"We love you soo much Ruha and we will be here, every step of the way" Farha said with a smile, her eyes shining brightly

"Forever" Adda said "and just know, when you are ready to move on and face your demons lil sis, we will be right beside you, all of us, the boys, us, the parents, the world, cheering you on. Never ever forget that you are not alone Ruha, we are here. Always and forever. To infinity and beyond in sha Allah"

That night, promises were made and relationships mended... After all, its a girls night in

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