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"We are the captains of our own soul, we're the masters of our own faith" Aiyla

Twilight. The period between daylight and darkness. The time when everything comes to a standstill. The end of the day and the beginning of the night

Ruha was watching them all from the balcony of Na'im's home as they raced the garden grinning and chatting away. They are happy, something she's used to know

She had a click from beside her and turned, of course it had to be him, its like they always gravitate towards each other anyways. He was holding a camera, clicking away with a small smile on his lips "we take pictures to capture a memory, something we never want to forget"

She smiled. Of course and she will cherish this memories as much as she can "when the summer ends, I'll send all the pics to everyone"

She nodded. She hasn't thought of it, she hasn't thought about it, she hasn't thought about the end of summer when they will all separate to different parts of the world, when they can't just jump the fence to the next house, when there will be no spontaneous activities, when HE will not be here but thousands of miles away and thinking it now makes her heart hurt. She will miss this, ironically she didn't want to come in the first place. The irony of life

"Earth to Ruha!" He snapped his fingers in front of her face

"Sorry, just can't believe its ending this early you know, its like we've known each other our whole lives" she looked at the laughing cousins "its just sooo surreal that its going to end soon"

He nodded "yeah, it was fun"

Her phone beeped and she looked at it, a date greeted her, the most dreaded day of her existence and she was gonna re-live it all over again. She just knew it


He felt her breath hitch the minute she looked at her phone, he could see her eyes tear up and hand shake from maybe fear, he doesn't know but whatever it is she saw, whatever in the world was on that screen was enough to crumble Ruha in seconds. It must be big, it felt like she was sucked out of the world, out of everything and she was about to collapse, he didn't think about the consequences, the implications or anything, he just wrapped his arms around her pulling her into a hug

She wrapped her arm around him and he whispered soothing words, rubbing her back slowly, her veil was long gone, its the first time he is seeing it, pitch black curly hair fell past her shoulder, it was soft. He heard her quiet whimpers and didn't know what came upon him as he littered small kisses in her hair, his head in her hair and her head in his chest, his heart was beating loudly, she could hear it and so could he because both of theirs were. Its different, that hug is, it felt like everything was gonna be alright, it felt like they will be forever.... It was new, an advancement, yet it was old, it was coming home, where the heart resides after a long nomadic search


Ahhhhh..... Oh My Allah..... 💔💖💖💖💖

    I wonder what made Ruha dat way? Any guesses...

   See you next tym😘



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