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"Que Sera Sera, whatever will be will be, the future is not ours to see" ~Aiyla

Ruha laughed at Na'im's facial expression, he was having the big brother talk with Jamie about matters that had to do with Ruha

"Okay Jamie that's enough" Ruha said finally rescuing him, its been three freaking hours of the big brother talk

Jamie looked annoyed at being interrupted "Ruha, we are busy talking"

Ruha rolled her eyes "no you are not, you are busy threatening him, abbey please help me out here"

Abbey came out laughing "no darling, your brother is right in giving Na'im the guy talk, I'm gonna still have the father talk with him anyway"

Ruha groaned "abbaaaaa, nooooo, pleaseee"

"Ruha you are precious, so please let us do this for our peace, please Ruha" she groaned... Emotional blackmail, her family members are EVIL

"Fine" she grumbled and moved away going upstairs

"By the way darling, we are traveling to Qatar next tomorrow" Abbey announced

"Okay" she had clothes anyways and she had always loved traveling especially with Abbey, lots of gifts and shopping, the sky is the limit, okay maybe some designer

She entered her room, specifically customized for her, white walls with hints of peach, she loves it. She brought out her Mac and facetimed Farha who couldn't get off work, Adda, Muna, Hamraa and Afra

"Yo ladies" she greeted... They all replied in crazy manners

"What's up with you Ruha, you look and sound happier... Is it because of Na'im?" Afra asked wriggling her eyebrows making Ruha roll her eyes... Of course its common knowledge that Na'im is in Egypt

"Not that.... Abbey and Jamie are giving Na'im THE TALK and I walked away from it, they are soo ukh!!!!" Ruha whined annoyed, they all laughed at her

"Sorry Ruha" Muna said chuckling "Don't worry when Jamie comes to seek my hand in marriage, Na'im is gonna teach him a lesson"

Ruha had to laugh at that "we've got a trip to Qatar next tomorrow in sha Allah, I'm soo excited"

They spoke till they all had to leave


State of Qatar

The day was beautiful, the sparse clouds and the blue sky... People were driving and some kids playing in the streets. She could see it all from the balcony of Na'im's house... It was soothing in a way, refreshing. She breathed in slowly then out focusing on it like Dr Farsi showed her

Her phone beep interrupted her and she looked at it, a message from Na'im

Na'im: will u do me d honours of going out with me? Jamie has forbidden me to come within 30 feet of ur room

Ruha: okay

Na'im: I'll see u in 5

She dropped the phone and immediately entered her huge white room, slipped in a grey dress with a cap and white veil, a pair of gladiators and her sling bag containing the necessary things. She applied lip balm and walked out after looking at herself in the mirror satisfied with her look

Na'im was standing beside his black convertible sports car looking every bit like the stunning breathtaking adionis he is, he's dressed in casuals, a long sleeved grey v neck shirt and black trousers. He was looking at her, watching her like she's the centre of his world and she blushed because he is the centre of her world, her heart beat

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