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"Be Kind, For Everyone Is fighting A Hard Battle." ~King
(Ajwa Muhammad Na'im)

He sat on the terrace of the mansion. Thoughts filled his head. The one time every month that he lets go. Na'im. The embodiment of charisma, serenity, tranquility and mystery. Captivating mystery. But today, he is Ahmad. Vulnerable, sad, longing, empty Ahmad.

"You know, the only thing keeping you away from the light at the tunnel, is yourself" A young man came to sit on the terrace beside Na'im

"What does that even mean?" He asked, puzzled

"I think you know way better than I do" This young man had much more to him than Na'im could understand. He had this aura of understanding beyond what the eyes could decipher

"What are you doing here anyway?" Naim sighed, giving in

"Nothing much, just looking for my kind to guide" He said, smiling as he looked far

"You see, We're not one, not two but many, so don't ever feel like you're alone in this sphere called earth. Many of us have been through whatever it is that you are going through, and we conquered, just like I know you will. I trust you to. Don't let me down. Don't let us all down. We got you covered bro, from all around the world" The strange young man said, looking deep into Na'im's brown orbs. He had deep black orbs. Interesting eyes that held so many secrets. He stood up to leave.

"Who exactly are you?" Na'im asked, as confused as ever

He smirked and turned back. "You can just call me, King."

"And you are?" He asked

"Na... Just call me Ahmad"

"Ahmad it is, then"

"So long, Ahmad" King said and walked away

"So long, King" Na'im whispered back

Some people never last, they just come to our lives to offer us advice and leave. King is one of them. Just the way Aiyla is to Ruha, King is to Na'im


The day went by in a blur, he hasn't seen her, hasn't called her. He just locked up away from the world, away from everyone and everything. Tomorrow he will be back but for today, he doesn't

Na'im picked up the car keys to his sports car and went to garage before driving out in speed, the memories were catching up with him as he drove down the empty streets

"You can run but you can't hide" the voice whispered. The voice that has hunted him for years. He increased his speed blocking the memories. Its getting colder and so is his heart. Its getting darker and so are his thoughts. The leaves are falling so is he, falling

He heard the screams that hunted him daily, he hears their voices, the sound of gunshots, the knives, the groans, the electric shocks. The doctors whispering about him, his parents hunted eyes

He screamed, tired, exhausted, he has tried his best, tried all he could to be happy and he's getting there, slowly but surely but sometimes, he just breaks down not being able to take it anymore. He increased the speed of the car, no direction, never having a direction

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