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"Is love this misguided need to have you beside me most of the time? Is love this safety I feel in our silences? Is this belonging, is this completeness?" ~Aiyla

The sound of the azaan was what woke Ruha up that morning, its fajr and the time for subhi prayer. Groaning, she rolled off her bed and sat up reciting the morning dua', she's exhausted and sleepy and all because she had spent all night talking to Na'im

She slowly stood up and showered, dressed and performed ablution. She prayed subhi, recited suratul kahf and other surahs till 7 when she went to cook breakfast for her siblings and cousins

She found some waffle batter and syrup and made waffles, she served the food while Farha set the table after which they all went their different ways

Ruha had lots of things to do and needed to drive around so she got the car keys and drove to work

The embassy was filled that day with people and since there were meetings, she didn't get to leave till around 4

Her phone rang and she answered "hey Hayaati"

"Na'im" she answered looking ahead, the road was free flowing

"Where are you?" Na'im asked

"On my way home" she replied stopping at the traffick light "look sultan, I'll talk to you later when I get home"

"Don't hang up and sure thing" Na'im replied

"Okay" Ruha had to admit, she loves their silence, loves the feeling of belonging and completeness when he's around, she didn't know what it was but was sure as hell not planning on letting go, she'll hold on for as long as she can till she can't anymore. She needs him around all the time, the safety of his embrace and lots more

She saw it coming and her life flash before her but couldn't do anything as the collision occurred, she screamed out loud and whispered the shahadah but all she could hear before she was sucked into oblivion was here name being screamed by him. By her Sultan. Her king.

I love you Na'im


He loves talking to her, just knowing she is close by listening, paying attention, caring was something to him. Knowing she didn't care about what he went through but about how to make him feel better. Knowing he wants her there on the good and bad days

She's his best friend, the love of his life and his better half

He could hear the pin drop silence through the phone after he urged her not to hang up, he was antsy, scared and very disturbed and he didn't know why

His body went into shock as he heard it, the crash... For a second everything went on a standstill... Before he heard it, her piercing scream, he called, shouted, did everything as he tracked her phone to its location

His Ruha

His life

His anchor

His love

His hayaat

.... Oh healer of hearts!


A moment of silence for all those we've lost.... May Al-Jannah be their last abode and may they be able to answer all the questions in the grave... Ameen

Stay safe


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