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"And you smiled over your shoulder, for a minute I was stone cold sober, I pulled you closer to my chest..." ~Aiyla

(A/N: this chapter is dedicated to team Faryan enjoy)

Farha was lost as she has been since she was informed. Marriage. She always dreams of it, it is in her bucket list, she always imagined how she'll wake up to her husbands kisses and in his arms but now she didn't know. She and Nurayn never spoke about the future together but now she's at a cross road

Her phone rang and she picked it up not caring to check the caller ID

"Babe, please come out" Nurayn said and hung up

She picked up her veil and went out of the empty house, Ruha was probably somewhere in the house staring into space as she did sometimes or talking to Na'im or Jamaal

Nurayn was standing outside resting on the tree looking as handsome as always "hey"


He began walking and she followed him falling in step with him "I heard about the verdict of the adults" Her breath hitched "Jamaal told me and well I was wondering, why I heard it from him and if you were ever going to tell me about or maybe I was gonna find out when I get an IV to your wedding to someone else or maybe when you give birth, please do tell Farha"

His voice was quiet but it was obvious he was angry "we never spoke about the future and when I heard it I sorta switched off you get, I'm sorry"

"What do we now?" Nurayn asked "you've got the final say"

"Will you, I mean you wanna marry me?" She asked confused

"Of course I do Farha, I stayed with you all this while not for amusement and enjoyment, I was all in" he said

She went quiet, a lot of things going on in her head "do you think we are ready?"

He shrugged "I think so but you have the final say"

"Send your family over then, let's get this done"

"You sure?"

"Yes" a three letter word that opens a pathway to their future


Ruha was used to staring into space, just lost in the memories, in the years have gone by, she talks more to her family but not yet outsiders. Tonight though was a different matter, she was gonna meet them... Na'im's parents, she's super scared... What if they don't like her or she does something wrong and they hate her... OMA! She knew rich people were sometimes snubs.... Okay too much Wattpad for her, she needs to cut off reading the romantic books there

She searched through her wardrobe for something presentable to wear to meet them, anything at all but she got nothing

"Ruha, what are you looking for?" Farha asked barging into her room

"Clothes" she mumbled

"Clothes? Ruha, your wardrobe is literally the one with the finest clothes after Mummy"

"I don't know what to wear"

"Move" Ruha moved and let her pick, she picked a purple atampa with ash and white designs then threw her the veil "wear this"

Ruha immediately slipped it on, it's an A-shaped gown with pockets, it has a high neck and didn't really have any designs on it

"Okay let's go, we are almost late for dinner and the boys are there"

Ruha nodded and followed her out to the neighbors place. For the first time in years, they knocked and waited for someone to open the door for them and luckily it was Na'im

"Come in guys"

They said their salaams and went in Ruha and Na'im trailing behind

"Are you excited to meet them?" Na'im asked her

She nodded, great, she's back to being quiet

He led them to the dinning room and truly there sat his parents, they are stunning was the first thing Ruha thought when she saw them she now knew where Na'im got his beauty from

"Good evening" Farha and Ruha greeted bending a little

They smiled and replied "Farha right?" They asked pointing to Farha who nodded "that means you must be Ruha" Ruha nodded looking down "please sit, Na'im, go and call Munira and tell her we are about to start dinner"

"Muna is in Abuja?" Farha asked before she could stop herself

"Yes, she just came" Na'im replied jogging away

"Please sit down" they sat down and soon the boys launched into a conversation with them like they've known them all their lives

"Boys, you are making the girls feel left out" the mum scolded "so Ruha and Farha what do you do now?"

"We are both doing our NYSC" Farha explained "I work in Zenith bank while Ruha works in the embassy"

"Masha Allah girls, may Allah bless you two abundantly"

"Ameen" they replied in unison

Soon Muna came downstairs with Na'im and joined them for dinner which was simply amazing according to Ruha

"Mama who cooked?" Muna asked being the outspoken one and the most comfortable with Na'im's mother 

"Na'im" Ruha smiled, of course it is him, she has tasted what he can cook and since then no one has done it for her, his food is just IT

"Na'im, you and I are gonna have a conversation about you cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday, I never actually knew you could cook" Muna blabbered earning laughter from everyone

"Only Ruha knows" it was silent yet they all heard it, no one wanted to make the closest couple awkward so they ignored it

"So Na'im, I was wondering" Jamal started smirking mischievously "when are you getting married. Mama, you need to make him get married, like he's getting old, Mama what do you think about getting him hitched?"

Married? Na'im? Oh no! Ruha was shocked, how did cooking get to marriage and that too with Na'im, like what?!

"Jamaal" she heard Na'im warn quietly "don't"

"That's a smart idea Jamaal, Na'im, do you have any one in mind? If you don't I'll help you search" his mum was getting excited. Too excited

"Mum, can we please not talk about it? I'm still 24 lots of time for me, and also mum I'm not interested in getting married anytime soon, too young to be hitched" Na'im said "if the right girl comes, you don't need to tell me, I'll bring her right to you"

"We can deal with that" his mum sighed "so what about you Jamie?"

Muna chocked while Na'im laughed at him "when she's ready mama I'll bring her to you in sha Allah, besides I'm just waiting till she's ready"

"So you mean you have a candidate?" Na'im's dad asked

Jamal nodded "in sha Allah"


Heyyo.... Hw u guys??? Hw is d fam??? Hope u r all doing well....

An update!!!!!!

Pls don't forget to vote and share

Stay safe. Stay happy


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