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"Love comes in different ways.... Sometimes unknowingly and sometimes knowingly" Aiyla

Jamaal knew coming back to Nigeria was the best decision of his life. It wasn't all smiles anymore, there were secrets, tears, sorrow and Ruha, his little sister, his best friend, the most important person in his life.... Then there was her.... Munira... Illumination.... The girl with sass and one who never spares him a glance. Jamaal knew summer was going to be one heck of a ride

"Yo dude, earth to. I've been speaking to you for the past 120 seconds mahn" Ya Kamal said snapping him out of his thoughts

"Sorry fam, I sorta zoned out" Jamaal said

"You okay mahn, if you want we'll plan the picnic later. Besides the OLE tournament is in two hours. Let's just go get ready yeah?" Na'im asked thoughfully

"Sure, why not? I'll go tell the girls. Oh and by the way, I'm good, no need to worry about me" Jamaal said and used that as an excuse to dash out of the neighbours' living room. He was on his way to Ruha and Farha's room when he bumped in to someone

"Can't you watch where you're going, get your head outta the clouds bro!" Muna snapped at him. She was holding her phone and it seemed like she just got off a very heated conversation.

"I'm sorry but I doubt it was my fault that I did not see you coming. You literally popped outta nowhere, Miss." Jamaal snapped back at her.

"MTCHEEEWW" she hissed and walked away.

Someone must be really pissed. I hope I did not annoy her. Jamaal thought to himself. He went and called Ruha and the rest.

"Jamie, is something bothering you? You've been deep in thought lately. You can talk to me you know" Ruha said to Jamaal when they were a little away from the rest

"Its nothing, Roo, I'm good" He replied. She looked at him skeptically "I promise, Roo" She nodded in affirmation though still skeptical and went to join the others. Jamaal was going back to the neighbours' alone when he overheard someone speaking in a distressed tone. He stopped to check what was up. There and then, he saw Muna speaking on the phone to someone. It seemed it was a friend. He knew it was wrong to eavesdrop but he just wanted to know

"Meenatu, I'm tired wallah. He keeps pestering me. I regret ever accepting to try the secret relationship. No one knows about it except you and him so I can't even tell anyone. I told him I wanted out but he threatened me. He said if I don't stay in the relationship, he would expose me and spread lies about me. .....I know Meenatu. I'm so scared wallah" Muna said over the line sobbing

Jamaal gasped and Muna realised he was there. "I'll call you back, Meenatu" She said and dropped the call. Jamaal turned and joined the others. She was following behind. He knew but couldn't handle the fact that SHE is taken and she's in this much trouble so he did not bother turning around

The cars going to the tournament were two, the girls were in one and the guys were in one. Jamaal was so lost and he kept zoning out. Muna

"Jamaal!" Najib called

Jamaal looked up. The guys in the car had concerned looks on their faces and its obvious they won't accept his lies

"What's up?" Ali asked


"Don't give me that bullshit" Haseeb snapped.

"Its Muna isn't it?" Na'im asked looking ahead. He's driving with Ya Kamal riding shotgun" A problem shared is a problem half solved, Jamaal and we can't help you if you don't tell us"

Jamaal sighed and nodded. He narrated the entire ordeal and everything he overheard. There was total silence for a few minutes. It took that long for all of them to absorb the information.

Nurayn cursed out loud and Jamaal knew he wasn't too glad about the news. Muna is his little sister after all and he understood how he felt, after all he had one.

"Nurayn, before you do anything stupid, I need you to calm down, let's think about this rationally" Yusuf warned knowing fully well Nurayn was about to combust "You'll just mess it up."


No one was enjoying the OLE as there was a very tense asmosphere between Nurayn, Jamal and Muna.

"This is getting out of hand, it's best we just leave." Na'im said to Ruha. Ruha nodded, she didn't know the problem but knew it was huge.

They finally got to Naim's house and Nurayn lost his cool on Muna.

"I don't care what the hell you think Muna but I'm your big brother for crying out loud! Hell, all of us boys are meant to protect you but what do I hear? My sister is in a f****ing relationship that's messed up and she didn't think to seek help" he roared at her fuming.

The girls were stunned as Nurayn had always been the nice, level headed one but today, they saw a new side of him.

"Yaya, I'm sorry, please listen.."

"I don't want your sorry Muna, hell I don't care if you apologize or not but Muna, you need to seek help if things get out of control, Haba Munira!" He cut her off.

Muna  couldn't look him in the face. She simply nodded "Okay Yaya."

"I want to know everything then we'll figure out our next move."

Muna fumbled around. "Musa is a form mate and we became friends, we were close and I liked him so when he asked me out, I agreed but said we should keep it a secret for a while, you know to see how well we can do, things began to go downhill a few days later. He became possessive, rude, mean and hell scary, I tried to break it all up but he threatened me saying he's gonna expose me and he'll spread lies about me."

"What does he have against you Muna?" Jamaal asked, his tone hard and emotionless, he's furious.

"I don't know, he just said he's got something against me."

"Muna, did you ever send or do anything to him?" Nurayn asked.

She shook her head earnestly, "Not at all."

"Okay I don't want any of you snitching this out, you girls go to Farha's and Muna submit your phone and passwords."

They did as they were told leaving the boys alone. Nurayn picked up the phone and sent a message to the scumbag telling him to meet him in Jabi park. He and the boys stood up and left the house, and they were not going to return till Muna was safe again

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