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"The water shines only by the sun and its you who is my sun" ~Aiyla

When you love, you love with every single atom in your body, that's what he felt anytime he gazed at her, she's his anchor, she's his love, she's his happiness, she's everything to him and in sha Allah one day she'll be the person to complete half of his deen

Ruha was sitting by the edge of the pool, her leg submarged in water as she gazed out into the still lonely night... Its autumn, the season of the fallen leaves, the season that reminds you you have to fall to get back up, the season of serenity

As the moon casted a soft warm glow on her, she looked every bit of a human angel, some of her hair was out, its like the second time he has seen it... It was packed in a make shift bun while her huge white T-shirt rested on her body... She was in sweats for all he could deduct and he wasn't a bit surprised, sweatpants were Ruha's best friends and comfort clothes

He wanted to talk to her but couldn't bring himself to interrupt her so he rested on the French doors, the others were inside romancing their fellow partners and complaining about work. He knew every friend, colleague and almost all the co-workers in Ruha's office, she tells him about her day every day while he listens... He loves hearing her excited voice when she meets someone and her dreams and ambitions, he wanted to make everything come true, for her to be happy

The change in the set of Ruha's shoulders immediately brought him to attention, she's in unhappy place and he needed to bring her back before its too late. He moved slowly and silently to sit beside her splashing her water, she blinked immediately and glared at him while he grinned. She fetched and also drenched him in water and soon they both had a full on water fight, both drenched and laughing messes that they didn't notice their audience

"She's good for him right Abdul?" His mother mused as rested on her husband who wiped her tears "she makes him happy and peaceful, she let's him forget even for a little while"

His father nodded "we've finally found her Ayesha, his anchor and in sha Allah, his healer"

He had demons, very big ones and they all knew it. Na'im is traumatized, and depressed but with Ruha he's at peace

"When the time is right, we will take the proposal to her family for him and we'll welcome her into our family" Ayesha said "young love is beautiful, their love is beautiful and when she realizes she loves him or he's ready to take the next step, we'll be there"

"We've seen what we always looked for right?"

She nodded and they walked away with prayers in their hearts for the young couple


She always secretly wished for forever, she always secretly wished for a happily ever after and someone who will be hers forever... Looking at him now, she realized she might have just found him

Hey guys,

Sorry for the late update, I've been very ill this past week and I've been on strict bed rest

Anyways, here's something for y'all, pls put me n every ill prsn in prayer
Jazakallah khairan...


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