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It was a week since Bray Wyatt's match at Hell in a Cell. I have my United States Championship belt. I beat Bray Wyatt and we are done with our feud. Everyone was glad that I beat Bray Wyatt. Rusev wants his Championship back but he will have to face me at Survivor Series for the title.

Monday night Raw

Dean POV

I had to face Bad News Barrett for the intercontinental Championship. because of The Authority put me in the match. "God why does The Authority hate me?" "because your a lunatic Dean." Seth walked in. "Seth shut your mouth." I said while getting up. "what will you do if I don't." "I will." Casey came out of nowhere and started throwing punches and started kicking him. I started hitting him too. Casey picked Seth up. Casey slammed Seth into a locker making it dent. We high fives and walked out the locker room leaving Seth there knocked out. My theme hit and I came out for the match and got in the ring. Bad News Barrett theme hit and he came out with the intercontinental championship around his waised. He came walking down the ramp and got in the ring. The bell rang and a girl came in and said, "this is set for one fall and it's for the intercontinental Championship." We started throwing punches at each other and then Barret knocked me down and was setting for the bull hammer. I dodge it and hit him with the Dirty Deeds. I pined him 1,2,3. I won the championship and then Seth's theme hit and started laughing. He came down walking down and then K, came out of nowhere and started attacking the Authority. I grabbed Seth Rollins and through him into the barricade. K came up to me and we shook hands. We picked Seth up and through him into the barricade. Randy Orton's theme came on and he ran over to us. We looked at Randy and he shook our hands. We picked Seth up and Randy RKO Seth to the floor. We were unstoppable. My theme hit and we walked up the ramp.

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