Seth destroys the Shield

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It was Monday night Raw and the Shield came out without me. The went down the stairs and went over the barricade. They entered therings and Seth grabbed a mic. "so you guys are wondering were you KZ is, well he's in the hostpital." Dean grabbed the mic. "yeah, he got in a car wreck." Roman grabbed the mic. "yeah but K will heal and he will be back in action, he's our bother." Triple H came out with a slege hammer in his hand. Seth left the ring and grabbed two steel chairs. Triple H had a black eye. He had a mic already in his and he put it up to his mouth. "at payback you beat us but that was only plan A we always have a plan B. Roman and Dean walked up after staring at Seth and then Seth raised the chair and hit Roman in the back. Dean was shocked. He tried to attack Seth but Seth nailed Dean in the stomach and in the back. He hit the ground. Seth kept hitting Dean over and over. He started attacking Roman. He put Dean's head on the chair. He ran to the rope and  bounce off and curb stomped Dean into the chair. Seth got out of the ring and handed the chair to Orton and he started attacking Roman with the chair. They all got in the ring and everyone kept saying, "you sold out, you sold out." Seth was staring at Dean and Roman on the floor. They were about to leave but then Sierra,Hotel,India,Echo,Delta Shield. I came down the stairs and jumpped over the barricade. I slid into the ring. Me and Seth were staring at each other. I got closer and then charged at him. I took his legs out and started throwing punches. I picked up Seth and held his head. I put him down. I ran to the rope and bounch off and crub stomped him. He was knocked out. I looked at Randy and he got in the ring. I charged at him taking his leg out and started throwning punches. I picked his head up and ran to the rope and bounce off and curb stomped his head into the mat. I went over to Triple H kicked him out of the ring. I picked Dean and Roman up. We went over the barricade and walked up the stairs and we left. Seth and Randy were on the mat of the ring. Triple H was out of the ring and was on the steel floor. 

Back Stage

We were walking into the doctor office and Roman and Dean where getting checked to see if they had any broken bones. I waited outside for them. Dean came out all taped up. "I went up to him, "hey bro how are you doing?" "I'm good, I'm just in pain from the attack and by the way thanks for helping me and Roman out." "no problem." He smiled. Roman came out with crutches. "Roman are you alright?" "yeah I just got a sharp pain in my leg from that beating. 

Steph came up to me

"what the hell K, why did you attack Triple H?" "I had to." Me, Dean, and Roman were walking to the car. We put our bags in the trunk. We got into the car and we were driven back to the hotel.

K's Pov

We just got back to the hotel and my bother Dean and his friend Roman were in pretty bad shape after the attack from Seth and Randy.

We enter our rooms and we put our stuff down on the floor.

Dean's POV

Got back from a beating from Seth and Randy. My arm and back hurt from the attack, so, I went to go lay down for a couple of hours. "Hey Dean." "what Casey?" "goodnight bro." I went into the room and flooped on the bed. I fell asleep. I thought in my head and said, "Seth Rollins has destroyed the Shield."

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