Seth vs Dean anywhere falls count match

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On Monday night after summerslam. Dean wanted his revenge on Seth and Randy wanted revenge on Roman for spearing him after payback when Seth turned his back on the Shield. The one person I want revenge on was my friend Tony. He curb stompped me into cinder blocks. We had a match at Night Of Champions. So Dean and Seth had a match tonight. The match was about to begin when they herd Sirra,Hotel,India,Echo,Lima,Delta The Shield. We came out and started walking down the stairs. We walked over to the barricade and hopped over it. Dean went into the ring and Seth's theme hit. He came out with his Money In the Bank case. He walked down the ramp and entered the ring. The bell rang. Dean and Seth locked up and they started hitting each other. Dean nailed Seth with a closeline. Dean got out of the ring looked under the ring for something. He grabbed about 6 or 7 steelchairs. He grabbed a chair and nailed Seth with it over and over. We were clapping. Seth got up and Dean nailed him in the stomach with the chair. Kane and Randy came out of nowhere and took us out. There was a big battle out of the ring and inside the ring. Dean grabbed Seth head and started talking trash. He ran over to the rope and bounce off and curb stompped Seth into the mat. Dean covered Seth and 1,2,3. We just stood there and we ran into the ring. We picked him up and we were celebrating. We saw the wyatt family on the titan tron. He was laughing. "you guys have finally beat Seth Rollins but KZ, you cause us to lose the match vs the Shield and you will pay for it." The titan tron shut off. Bray Wyatt came out of nowhere and started throwing punches at me. We battled for a few seconds until Dean kicked Bray off of me and Roman speared Bray. Bray left the ring holding his stomach. Dean helped me up and we put our fist together and said, "believe in the Shield."

Back Stage

"Hey Dean." A girl come to us. "Dean how did you feel to finally get your hands on your former Shield Seth Rollins?" "Renee, It was revenge from us, that if you mess with the Shield you will never forget the beating that's come your way." Roman and I stared at Dean. "what?" "Nothing." I replied. Renee watched us put our fist together and Roman said, "believe in the Shield."

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