KZ vs John Cena

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Friday Night SmackDown

I was back stage getting ready for the main event match vs John Cena. I herd a knock, "come in." Dean came in. "hey little bro are you ready for tonights match vs John?" "yeah I'm just trying to wrap my hands like you." He came over to me and grabbed the tape. "come here." He grabbed my wrist and started to wrap it. A guy came in, "Casey five minutes." "alright." I replied. He was done wrapping my hands and I put on my Shields vest and we walked out of the locker room. John Cena's theme came on and he came out. He ran over to the ring and slid in. He grabbed the mic. "on Monday, me and the new kid of the Shield. He's Dean Ambrose's little brother." He was about to say something but he got caught off. Sierra,Hotel,India,Echo,Lima,Delta The Shield. I came walking down the stairs. I hopped over the barricade and entered the ring. I grabbed a mic. "why are you talking about my bother?" "KZ your part of the Shield because of you big bother. Is he bigger then you or older then you?" "yah he's bigger then me, duh he older then me what do you think asshole." "it looks like he bigger then you." "shut up Cena." "make me kid." I dropped the mic and double kicked him in the face. I lifted him up a little and then ran over to the rope and bounce off and curb stomped him into the mat. My theme song went on and I left the ring and went over the barricade and walked up the stairs.

Backstage Interview

Renee young came up to me and said, "KZ how do you feel about John Cena?" "Renee, he thinks he can diss my bother like that and get away with it. No he can't but if he tries I'll do that curb stomp move that my bother's friend Seth Rollins taught me." I left.

In the Parking lot

Dean was waiting for me. I walked to the car and we put our stuff in the trunk and drove away.

In the car driving back to the hotel

We were driving. I just sat there and was listening to music. Dean tapped my shoulder. I took out one of my ear buds out my ear, "what's up Dean?" "nothing just wanting to talk to you about something." "oh ok." "K I know your my little brother, but why would you just show up during a match and say to everyone that your my little brother?" "Dean it's just, I wanted to see you and know you were alright. I haven't seen for more then two years. last time I saw you was in the NXT and when I joined the NXT I got promoted and I herd you were part of the Shield and I wanted to be in the Shield with you, Seth and Roman." After that it went silent. I kept thinking my head, "did I tick him off or something?"

Dean Ambrose little brotherWhere stories live. Discover now