The Return of Jon Moxley

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I knew something would happen on Monday because Ambrose was on edge it was stressing me out too, so my match against Seth will be for him.

Seth's theme hit and everyone yells BURN IT DOWN he walks out with the Universal Championship around his waist. He started walking down the ramp, but I attacked him from behind. Rollins was caught off guard. I was kicking him when he was on the ground Drew McIntyre came out of nowhere and hit me with the claymore/rocket kick. Drew saw Seth getting up and lined him up for the claymore and then hit Seth with it. Drew's theme hit and he stood up looking at the Universal Title, he grabbed it and raised it up high.

"I can't believe it Drew McIntyre is coming for the Universal Title at Money in the Bank."

I got up and walked back behind the curtain and down the stairs, Ambrose was standing there staring at me, I knew something was on his mind.

Dean: Hey bro can I tell you something?

Me: Sure what's up?

Dean looked down and then back to me.

Dean: I'm quitting WWE and I'm going to AEW

I just looked at him and replied, "let's go there together."

Dean: no I want you to stay in WWE and keep an eye on my wife.

I looked at Dean and gave him a hug, he smiled and I smiled back. Seth's theme hit and Dean put his hand on me and said, "go get him brotha."

My theme hit and i walked out still hurting from the claymore kick from drew. I could win the Universal title tonight. Seth was smiling and I got in the ring. Before the match I shook hands with him and then locked up with him. Seth hit me with a shoulder check and I hit the mat, he then ran to ropes and bounced off but before he could go on, I got up and clotheslined him and then went for the cover 1.. 2.. And Seth kicked out. I stood him up and then lined up for the super kick but he kicked my leg and I felt something I never wanted to feel was a sharp pain in my leg like I broke something or tore a muscle. The ref stopped the match and I was holding my leg and Seth realized what he did, he kneeled down and check on my leg. It was a broken bone in my leg, that's when I realized it was over.

A couple months later and Dean quit WWE but then changed his name to Jon Moxley and my WWE Career was over I was released after physical therapy and stuff.

Hey everyone sorry for the long delay but I decided to end the story with this chapter thank you all for reading and enjoying the story good news is I'm writing another story like this but it's not gonna be a WWE story I hope you guys like this story I might come back to this story but it's on the table right now love y'all and KCZ out

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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