You Sold Out

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It was Monday Night Raw and I was ready to face Randy for the WWE Championship.

My theme hit and I came down the stairs and jumped over the barricade, I got in the ring and then Randy theme hit, he came down with the title. He got in the ring and the girl came and said, "This match is schedule for one fall and is for the WWE world heavyweight championship. We locked up after the bell rang.

5 minutes later, we were both on the ground and I grabbed Randy going for Dirty Deeds and then hit him with it. I pined him 1, 2, 3 ding. I won the Championship. I held it high. The Shield came down and hugged me. Triple H came out and said KZ nice job plan A is in progress. Dean looked at me, "what the hell is he talking about?" I looked down and hit Dean with the title. Roman was going to spear me but I dodge, I hit him with the belt too. I slid out of the ring and grabbed two chairs. I threw them both in the ring and slid back in. I grabbed one of the chairs and hit Dean with it over and over. I put the chair down. I picked Dean up and Dirty Deeds him in the chair. Seth comes out and climbs in the ring and grabs the second chair and starts hitting Roman with it. He dropped it. I picked Roman up and Dirty Deeds him in the chair. People were saying YOU SOLD OUT. I put the title on my shoulder. I put the title down and kicked Seth in the stomach and grabbed a chair, I put it down and grabbed him and Dirty Deeds him into the chair. I yelled out, "THE FUTURE IS NOW." Triple H came up to me and shook my hand, "kid welcome to the Authority." Dean looked up at me and gave me a glare. We were about to go out of the ring, when I got grabbed and RKO'd by Randy. Triple H got in and hit Randy in the back and lined him up for the Pedigree and hit him with it. He help me up and I raised my title up and we left

Thursday night smack down
I stood there in the middle of the ring with Triple H and Stephanie. "Your new WWE champion kz and the future of the WWE." Stephanie said. 
"Thank you Steph and if anyone missed Raw, you saw what happened to Dean,Roman and Seth and I won the WWE title on raw from randy Orton. Man it feels good to be champ."
"Yes Kz, you defeated the viper Randy Orton and destroyed the Shield all in one night." Triple H coming over to me putting an arm around me.
"Hey Kz over here, it's your brother dean and we need to talk because the shield don't take things kindly to others if we get back stabbed." I looked at the tron and laughed and replied,
"Dean you got in the way and now you have Seth back nice job, it was all an act dean, I was making my way up to the top by joining you guys and then when I won the title well I threw you out like trash."
Dean tapped his chest with his finger and looked at me, "K, you are a worthless piece of crap and you don't deserve that title, so I will fight you for it at Survivor Series in a latter match and see who the best is. The Shield would be more powerful with the title."
"OK Dean, the WWE championship will be defended at Survivor Series, but dean first you will have to face someone tonight for a shot and I say, Seth Rollins and Romans Reigns in a triple threat match in the main event of Smack Down and the winner faces me at Survivor Series for the title, good luck." I raised my title up in the air and my theme hit

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