Roman's cheap shot

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It was Monday Night Raw and I was standing in the ring. I looked around and everyone was saying "you sold out." I started laughing.

"I know I sold out but when I did, I told you why I did it."

I looked at my title, "Roman and Dean where my brothers, actually, Dean is my real brother because he's not facing me for my WWE Title and try to make me look bad. I'm the Champion and no one can take that away from me, not Dean, not Roman, not the Authority."

Roman's theme hit and I looked around. Roman came out of a curtain upstairs. He stared me and then started walking down the stairs. He jumped over the barricade and then just stood there. Dean's theme hit and he came running down the ramp and they both entered the ring. Roman looked at me and I looked at him.

"what do you guys want?"

"nothing KZ, just wanted come here to kick your ass and leave with that Championship." Dean replied.

I laughed at Dean and smiled

"Dean if you wanted a title you should've beaten Roman, Randy, and Seth but no, you failed, Roman gets the shot at the title because he beat you you guys."

Dean looked at me and pushed me. I bounced off the ropes and clothesline Dean. Roman speared me. He grabbed the title and raised up while helping Dean up. Seth came out and said while walking down the ramp.

"Dean and Roman grab him, I'll grab the table."

Seth put down the mic and walked over to the apron, he looked under the ring and pulled out a table. He pushed it in the ring and then got in. He grabbed the table and started setting it up. He finished setting it up. Seth and Dean picked me up. Roman roared . They triple power bombed me through it. The Shield theme hit and they put their fist together and The Shield were back finally but I was hurt.

I couldn't believe The Shield are back together and now at Night of Champions, I will have to face Roman for the WWE title. Dean Ambrose needs to be taken care of before Night of Champions or we will have some problems at the ppv.

My theme hit and I came out with a microphone. I got in the ring and looked around.
"Dean Ambrose your brother wants to talk to you and settle something with you."
I through the mic and looked around.
The Shield theme hit.
I saw Dean walking down the stairs with Seth and Roman. They jumped over the barricade and into the ring.
Dean came up to me and looked at me.
"So Kz what do you want."
"Haha, Dean I want you and Seth not to interrupt my match at NOC ppv on September 20."
"Fine, but unless you lose to me and Seth in a tag team match now."
"OK fine, I'll."
Kanes theme hit and he came walking down the ramp and in the ring.
"I'll fight you guys Dean, with KZ."

Dean Ambrose little brotherWhere stories live. Discover now