Dean Turns

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I was ready and Dean looked different then he did. (Was he ok??)

KZ: Hey brotha you good?

He looked up at me and nodded.

Dean: I'm fine just nervous about tonight, what about you?

KZ: I'm good I just got to face Seth for the right to face Lesner for the Universal Championship at Hell in the Cell.

Dean looked at me with a glare but I didn't notice it. He wanted that chance, but I beat him for it, so he could have had a chance but lost. We were celebrating and then out of nowhere, no one saw it coming, not even me. Dean hit me with Dirty Deeds in the middle of the ring. Everyone was booing and yelling words. I tried to calm him down and then he started hitting me in the face and head. He grabbed me and through me out of the ring. I tried to fight back but nothing worked. Dean grabbed a chair and hit me in the back with it. I held my back because of the pain. He hit me again and again and again, over and over like 8 or 9 times. He grabbed me and said, "you've been getting in the way and it's your time to learn." He then hit me with Dirty Deeds on the floor outside of the ring. He then jumped the barricade and walked up the stairs. I laid there just looking at him and he stared at me smiling like he achieved something just now, but the thing he achieved was he turned on his own brother..

Dean Ambrose little brotherWhere stories live. Discover now