Dean & KZ vs The Beast

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It was a live event and we were backstage getting ready for tag team action vs the Dudley Boys. 

Dean's theme hit and he came walking down the ramp, then my theme hit and I walked down the ramp. We both got in the ring at the same time. The Dudley Boys theme hit. They came out and walked down the ramp Bubba Ray pointed at us, saying something but I couldn't understand him. They got in the ring and their music stopped playing. The ref signal for the bell and the match started with Dean and Devon Dudley. They circled the ring and then locked up. Dean got grabbed into a headlock. Dean fought back and kicked Devon in the stomach and then through a punch. It hit him into our corner and then Dean tagged me in and I kicked Devon 3 times and then picked him up. I ran to rope and bounced off and shoulder tackled Devon, I covered him but he kicked out at 2. I got up and tagged Dean and got out of the ring. He picked Devon up but then got punched in the face, Dean stubble back. Devon tagged Bubba and he ran to close line Dean and he did. He covered Dean but he kicked out at 1. Bubba got Dean in a headlock in the middle of the ring. I jumped on the rope and springboard forearm Bubba, Devon climbed into the ring and tried to attack me but I kicked him. Dean picked Bubba and hit him with Dirty Deeds and pined him for the win. Brock Lesner's theme hit and he came out with Paul Heyman. He stared us down. Dean was pacing around and I put my arms out. We left the ring and the show ended. 

We went backstage to the locker rooms to get ready for the trip to Dallas for Monday Night Raw.

Dean: hey bro

K: yeah, what's up

Dean: do you want to go out for drink

K: sure, let me get ready first

This is the first time me and Dean are going to a bar to hang out.  

We left the hotel about 6:45 pm and drove to the bar. We pulled up and got out of the car. Dean was dressed in his leather jacket and blue jeans with black boots that look like the shoes he wore with the Shield. I was wearing a blue KZ hoodie with my shorts and with shades on my eyes. Girl were looking at us and I bet i got like 3 phone numbers there at the bar. We hung out at the bar for a couple hours and Dean got drunk

KZ: okay bro, let's stop drinking and go back to the hotel

Dean: no, one more.

KZ: bro come on dude

Dean: no piss off I'm getting one more and you can't stop me.

KZ: fine! just one more.

So Dean had one more shot and stood up. We stumbled to the door and out the bar. Dean saw a chick who was getting picked on. He walked over and the tapped the guy on the shoulder.

Guy#1: What do you want punk?

Dean: stop picking on her, you (hic) asshole

Guy#1: what did you call me.

Dean: you heard me punk (hic)

Guys#2: oh we have a tough guy here

Dean: Yeah I'm the biggest tough (Hic) guy in this town.

KZ: yo bro, let's go.

Dean: No! I want to (Hic) fight this guy.

KZ: No Dean we are not in a ring come on.

Dean: No!

Dean punched me and I stubble back a little. Dean gave me a glare and I walked away. I walked all the way to were Seth was staying with my bag. I got to his place and knocked on his door. Seth opened it and saw the black eye I had, he let me.

Seth: Hey Z, what happened.

KZ: Guess?

Seth: hmmm you got in a fight with a thug on the street.

KZ: No, Dean got drunk again and punched me when I tried to get him away from a fight.

Seth: That's Dean for you, when me, Roman, and I were in the Shield. We traveled a lot to many places and we went out after an event, Dean got drunk every time.

KZ: oh, hey can I ask you something Seth?

Seth: yeah what's up?

KZ: Why did you turn your back on the Shield, just wanting to know?

Seth: I sold out because I wanted to do what's best for business.

KZ: oh okay.

We heard a hard banging on the door. 

Seth: who's that?

KZ: It might be Dean.

It wasn't Dean, it was Roman.

Roman: Hey Z, do you know where Dean is at.

KZ: I..

Seth: Z told me, he was at the bar drunk again.

KZ: yeah.

Roman: Okay, see you guys later.

Seth & KZ: later Roman.

Seth shut the door and I sat back down on the couch. 

Seth: I hope Roman can find him.

KZ: same for me too.

I hope you guys like this chapter, I promise I'll write more

You guys are awesome and stay Awesome

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