Could my career be over

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After the fight between Dean and Seth. I had to face Seth on Monday night Raw. I was backstage getting ready for the match vs Seth. some body knockes on the door "come in." It was Dean. "hey little bro." "hey bro what's up?" Dean came over to me and sat down by me. "hey good luck tonight bro." "thanks." I replied. I herd a knock. "come in." It was Roman. "hey Roman what's up?" Nothing just waiting for you to get ready hurry up."

I got up and put my stuff in my locker. I herd Seth's theme came on. I walked out of the locker room and walked to my entrence. I herd my theme

Sierra,Hotel,India,Echo,Lima,Delta Shield I started walking down the steps. I got to the barricade and hopped over. Seth handed his Money in the Bank Brifecase to one of his guards. "Ding" We stared at each other by the way this is a no DQ match. Seth kicked me in the stomach and I punched him and dropped kicked him. I grabbed him and dirty deeds him and then cover him 1,2 and then he kicked out. I just sat there. I picked him up and he reverse my move and started kicking me and then he ran to the rope and bounce off. He curbstomped me. He cover me 1,2 but I kicked out.

"come on Casey." He was laying on the mat trying to get up.

I was laying on the mat holding my head. He got up and started limping. He climb out of the ring and looked under the mat. He found a steel chair. He got back in the ring with the chair. Seth raised the chair and nailed me in the back with it. I grabbed my back after Seth hit me. He looked at me and I was trying to crawling to the ropes so I could get up. He put the chair on the floor. Seth picked him up by my hair and brought me to the chair. Seth put my head on the chair. Seth bounce of the rope and curbstomped me into the chair and cover me again but I kicked out at 2. Seth got up and just looked at me. Seth got out of the ring and found some cinder blocks under the ring. Seth took them out and put them by me. Seth grabbed me and put my head on the cinder blocks. My head was on the cinder blocks. Seth ran to the rope and bouced off. He curbstomped my head into the cinderblocks. They broke and it went black. I woke up in the hospital and my head hurt.

Dean came in

"hey bro how are you feeling?"

"I'm ok I guess, my head really hurts." I replied while holding my head.

"you got curb stomped in the cinderblocks and passed out."

"oh ok."

"I have to go, so get some rest little bro, I'll be back in a bout a hour."

"ok man."

I fell asleep and then woke up 3 hours later. Roman and Dean were there and Dean saw me wake up.

"oh you finally woke up."

"yeah my head doesn't hurt anymore." I replied.

" are you ready to leave?"


I got out of the hostpital bed and got dressed into my regular clothes in the bathroom. We left the hostpital and got in Dean's car. I kept thinking, "could my career be over or am I going to keep it still?"

"are you ok little bro?" Dean asked.

"yeah I'm good." I replied.

We got to the hotel and then Triple H called.

"hello." I answered.

"Casey are you alright I herd you had to go to the hospital?" He sounded worried

"I'm alright, but I was wondering if you going to fire me for this?"

"no Casey you are a good superstar and people like you, you should get some rest and then tomorrow you can come back to talk to me."

"thanks Triple H I'll talk to you tomorrow."

We hung up and I laided down on the bed and Dean sat by me. He grabbed this new game it was 2k15 wwe. We played almost all night but then we got hungry. So we ordered some pizza and 2 dr peppers. We fell asleep at 2:30 in the morning. It was a fun night and I love hanging out my big bother and playing video game too.

Dean Ambrose little brotherWhere stories live. Discover now