Ambrose vs KCZ

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That night I couldn't sleep, I think it was because of my bruises on my back or that my own brother turned his back on me. He's changed, I've never seen him like this, we were the brothers in arms, the hounds of Justice with Rollins and Reigns. I guess he only cares about himself and not the ones who care about him.

Monday Night Raw:

My theme hit and I was walked down the ramp all beat up. I slid into the ring with a microphone and my music stopped, I cleared my throat and spoke.

KZ: Ladies and Gentlemen, last week you guys saw something change in my brother Dean Ambrose, he turned his back on me, beat me with a chair and then smashed my skull in this ring in the center and left me for dead as I watched him walk up the steps and smiled at me like he achieved something, well tonight I anti gonna wait for a response from him, he better be ready in that locker room and Dean get your bitch ass out here so I could show you how it feels to fight back, brother vs brother, this ends right now.

Dean appeared on the screen and he was smiling.

Dean: Z let me stop you right there, first off I'm not gonna go down to that ring and 2nd I would like to beat your ass like I did last Monday because you took my chance of becoming unversial champion at Money in the Bank, but I got a idea. How about we fight tonight in the main event and the winner gets to face Seth in Money in the Bank and the match will be an all extreme match all weapons can be used and no DQ so I can beat you with a chair again and one other thing, you should look behind you.

I turned around and Drew McIntyre hit me with the claymore kick and I fell to the mat, Dean laughed and Drew's theme started playing as Drew was looking at me. I was laying there and I was just watching Drew walking up the ramp and then Dean slid into the ring without me noticing. He picked me up and hit me with dirty deeds. He looked at me and started kicking me over and over. I was tired to fight back, but I had to so I grabbed his leg and flipped him over me. I got up and charged at Dean, we through punch after punch. Dean hit me with a low blow and then hit me with Dirty Deeds for the 2nd time. He then left the ring.

Later in the night...

It was main event time and Dean came out and down the ramp. He slid into the ring and looked around. My theme hit and I limped down the ramp. I slid into the ring and tackled Dean again, I was throwing punches. The bell rang and this was it, if I could beat him in this match I'll go on to face my buddy Seth for the Universal Championship. Dean and I were going back and fourth until he hit me with a crowbar I hit the mat and my head started gushing blood. I got up and kicked him, he dropped and I slid out of the ring and looked under it, I found cinder blocks, so I grabbed them and put them in the ring. I then slid back in and placed the blocks in the middle of the ring. I picked Dean up and lined him up for a pedigree and then hit him with it through the cinder blocks. I then flipped him over and pined him for the win. I was excited, but sad because I just ended my brothers career.

Announcer: your winner and the person who will face Seth Rollins for the Universal Championship. KCZ

Meanwhile back stage...

Seth was watching and smiling with his title on his shoulder.

Seth: Z you better be ready for money in the bank because I'm gonna put up a fight that won't be clean...

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