Two weeks before Hell in a Cell

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So it was two weeks before the Hell in a Cell ppv and I had to face the former Shield member Seth Rollins. I had to take on John Cena before I get to the ppv and take on Seth. "Man it's going to be a hard match vs John." "hey little bro, come over here." It was Dean waving at me. "coming bro." I walked over to Dean. "hey little bro look at Seth trying to take on Roman." "really why would the Authority let Seth and Roman fight in a match. Seth was going for the curbstomp but missed and then Roman speared Seth. He pined Seth and won the match. My match was next vs John. "good luck bro." "thanks." My theme hit. I walked out and ran to the ring and slid in. I grabbed a mic and looked around. "Hell in a Cell is in 2 weeks and I have to fight the former Shield member Seth Rollins. When I win that match i'll finish the fued between me and Seth." John's theme hit and he came out. I through the mic and waited for John. He ran to the ring and slid in like me. He looked at me and then the bell rang. We locked up and I kicked him in the stomach. I picked him up and through him out of the ring. He landed on the floor hard. I jumpped out of the ring and he punched me in mid air and I hit the ground. I grabbed my head. He picked me up and through me back into the ring and then got in the ring. He pined me but I kicked out at 1. He started kicking me. I got up and dropped kicked him. He flew back and I got up. I waited for him to get. He got up and I used my bee sting. It missed and then John AA me. He pined me but I kicked out at 2. He picked me up and tried AA again but I reverse it with a bee sting. I pined me and won the match. I left the ring and then Seth came out of nowhere and hit me with a steel chair in the back. I hit the ground. He picked me up and through me back into the ring. He hit me again over and over. Then we herd Dean's theme hit and he came running down the ramp and entered the ring. He took Seth's legs out and then started punching Seth. I got up. I looked at Dean. He picked Seth up and I did my bee sting to his face. He hit the mat and then my theme hit again. Dean raised my hand in victory. We went back up the ramp and I was really excided that I won the match and by taking out Seth. It was kinda weird that I'm kinda scared about Hell in a Cell. I never been in a match like that.

On Friday night smackdown I came out with Dean. We got in the ring and grab some mics. I looked around and said, "Hell in a Cell is in two weeks and I can't wait until I get my hands on the sellout, but I just wanted to tell you something, my brother Dean Ambrose will face Bray wyatt in a Hell in a Cell match on the main event." Everyone started cheering. Seth's theme hit. Seth came out with a mic. "K, you should watch out what you say because I'm part of the Authority and I can give matches, you know what it's your lucky day, because you will fight the demon kane in a extreme rules match." He raised his Money in the Bank brifcase in the air while his theme was playing.

The match vs Kane was the main event. I was ready to fight when Kane's theme hit and he walked out. I just stood there waiting for him. He got in the ring and the bell rang. We locked up and he hit me in the face. I hit the mat. He picked me up by the hair and tried to choke slam me but I got out of it. I kicked him in the stomach and then did the bee sting and pined him for the win. I grabbed a mic and said, "SETH WHERE ARE YOU? COME OUT HERE AND FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN." Seth's theme hit and he came walking down the ramp. I climbed out of the ring and looked under the ring for something. I found a steelchair and then climb back in. Seth just stood there staring at me. I through the chair down and sat down on one of the ropes, waiting for him. He got in the ring and I got up slowly and we got out of the ring. I was laughing. I grabbed a mic, "come on Seth don't be like that. I just want to talk with you." He just stared. He finally came in the ring. I had something behine my back. "alright I'm here what did you want to talk about?" I grabbed the chair and nailed him with it. He was on the ground. I hit him with the chair over and over until the chair broke. I looked down at him. I grab his head and said, "see Seth when you mess with me you will lose." I left the ring and my theme hit. I went back stage and there was Roman and Dean staring at me. "what are you staring at me for?" "I have never seen you like that before." "yeah well I am an Ambrose." We stared laughing and then Paige came walking past us. "hey paige." "hey K, how was your match?" "it was good, how was yours?" "It's starting right now, you should come watch it and cheer." "ok I will." She left. Dean and Roman were laughing. "look at my brother, what a player." "shut up Dean." We all laughed

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