The Ambush by the Authority

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Monday Night Raw


I was standing there just waiting for my match vs Luke Harper. I watched my brother Dean Dirty Deeds Bad News Barrett and pinned him for the win. His theme hit and then J&J security came out of nowhere and attacked Dean. I freaked out. I ran out of the room and down the hall. I got to the gorilla and my theme hit. I came running down the ramp and slid in the ring and attacked J&J security. I through out the first guy out and then Dean through the other one out. Seth's theme hit and he was standing there looking at us. I grabbed a mic, "what are you looking at Seth."

"I'm looking at you K, you always come and save your big brother Dean Ambrose but."

"But what." I cut him off.

He gave me a glare and then Triple H's theme hit and he came out with the rest of The Authority.

"Guys I know you hate each other but what about, the WWE champion vs The United States Champion and that will be tonight but for you Dean you will face Kane in a no DQ match. If you win, you will keep your job, but if you lose, your fired. Kane came walking down. He got in the ring and the bell rang. They locked up and then Dean knocked Kane to the ground. 3 minutes in the match tables were broken. Dean picked Kane up and threw him through a table. Dean pinned Kane 1,2, J&J security attacked Dean. Roman's theme hit and he came walking down the stairs and he hopped over the barricade. He slid in the ring and superman punched J&J security and then spear Seth. Dean Dirty Deeds Kane and pinned him 1,2,3 and he gets to keep his job.

Seth Rollins Vs KZ

My theme hit and I came out and people cheered loud. I got in the ring and then Seth's theme hit. He came walking down the ramp. Dean blind sided him and started throwing punches. He through Seth in the ring and I did my Butterfly DDT and pinned him 1, 2, 3 ding ding. I beat Seth but then the Authority came out of nowhere and Ambushed me and Dean. Roman's theme hit and he came walking down the stairs. He hopped over the barricade and slid in the ring. He Superman punched J&J and Kane. Seth kicked Roman. Dean grabbed Seth but Seth hit him with his new finisher move. I grabbed Seth and Butterfly DDT him to the mat. Randy Ortons theme hit and he came out clapping for the Authority . "Nice job Authority, you got beat by the lunatics and Roman Reigns. Seth got up and RKO'd Randy to the floor. I got out of the ring and RKO'd Seth and then Kane. Roman and Dean where getting pumpet but then DX came out and attacked them. I was about to get in the ring but then I got drop kicked by Shawn Michaels. The New Day came out and attacked Me, Dean and Roman and joined The Authority. The Ambush continued from The Authority and now DX and The New Day are on their side now.

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