The Champ is here

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I sat there waiting for my match vs Tyson kidd. Dean came in,

"hey little brother what's up?"

I looked at him and replied,

"nervous Dean very nervous."

He came over and sat down. I looked at him and said,

"hey Dean, how do you do this every single week, I thought it would be easy but The Authority are really getting on my nerve and I hate it."

"dude, you have to deal with the Authority, I have to because I have to get my revenge on that sell out Seth Rollins and I know you want to."

"yeah your right about that." I replied

A guy came in and said, "hey K, your up."

"alright, talk to you after the match bro."

I walked out the door and I closed it behind me. I heard Tyson's theme come on and he came out with Natayla and Cesaro. My theme hit and I came walking down the stairs like I always do every week. I walked down to the barricade and hopped over. I slid into the ring. The bell rang and we locked up. I got Tyson in a headlock and he hit me in the stomach. He dropped kicked me and then pinned me but I kicked out at 2. He picked me up and punched me and I went back. I got up holding my face. He tried the drop kick again but I dodge it. I grabbed him and Butterfly DDT him and pinned him for the win. I celebrated for a little and then Seth hit me with his Money in the Bank briefcase. I was on the ground. He leaned down and picked me up. He put me in line for the curb stomp but Roman superman punched Seth and Dean Dirty Deeds him. I laid on the ground. Roman and Dean picked me up and raised my hand.

We went up the ramp and went backstage. They carried me to the medic and they put me on a bed. I had a concussion. Dean patted me on the back when I sat up.

"hey man how is your head?"

"It hurts like hell, right now, I have a match right now, so talk to you after the match."

Dean and Roman left the room and I laid my head back on the pillow. I sighed. I herd a knock on the door and it was John Cena with the title and the Authority. Seth came in.

"Casey, you will face, John for the United States tonight for the main event in an extreme rules match."

They walked out the door and I laid my head back.

John Cena vs KZ United States Championship Extreme Rules Match

My theme hit and I came walking down the stairs and hopped over the barricade and slid into the ring. John's theme hit and he came running down the ramp and slid in with his belt. The bell rang and we locked up. I kicked him in the stomach and grabbed going for the butterfly DDT but he reverse it and did the AA on me, he pinned me 1,2 and I kicked out. 3 min later went by. I got in him in a butterfly ddt and hit him with it. I pinned him 1,2,3. I won the championship. I grabbed my title and I raised it. I grabbed a mic and screamed into it


Dean Ambrose little brotherWhere stories live. Discover now