Seth vs KZ

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KZ pov
I was standing there just thinkin about the match with Dean, Seth, Roman and Randy, so that got me thinking there should be a triple threat match tonight in the main event of Monday Night Raw. But Roman needs to be taken care of so I will ask Kane to take him out tonight in a no disqualification match. I thought in my head, "Roman ain't going to get my WWE title from me this Sunday at Survivor Series I will destroy him."
Seth comes in and greets me.
"What do you want Rollins."
"My title shot vs you tonight in the main event."
"Seth you lost to Roman in a triple threat match for the number one contenders at my WWE championship. You lost and Roman won, so guess what he will be facing me at Survivor Series and maybe when I win I will let you have a title shot unless you lose to me tonight in the main event of RAW."
Seth stormed out like a little child, "what a little brat."
I had to get rid of Roman but eh I will take him out on Survivor Series but my brother Dean needs a match, so I will call Kane and put Dean vs Kane in a no DQ match next after Zach vs Stardust match."
I pick up my phone of off the table and dial Kane's number.
"Hey Kane it's kz the champ, I have a job for you right now."
"What's the job sir?"
"To take out the lunatic fringe Dean Ambrose in a no DQ match in about a couple minutes."
"Deal be there in a few."
We hung up and I start laughing, my brother Dean anti going to show up at Survivor Series and interfering with my match, so Dean watch out Dog.

Dean Ambrose vs ???
Dean's theme hit and he came out with his logo muscle shirt and dark blue jeans. He walked down the ramp and walked over to the steel steps and climbed them. He walked on the apron and got in the ring.
Kane's theme hit and he came out with his mask on, he wasn't called Corp. Kane anymore, he's called the Devils favorite demon Kane now. Dean was getting ready for the match. Kane got in the ring after walking down the ramp and doing all his cool stuff. Dean and Kane locked up. Kane grabbed Dean by the neck and chocked slammed him to the mat. He climbed out the ring and looked under the ring for something. He found a table. He pulled the table out from under the ring and put it in the ring. He got in and picked it up. He started setting it up. He placed it by the turnbuckle. He grabbed Dean and picked him up again by the neck and chocked slammed him through the table. Dean just laided there with blood coming from his lips. Kane got out of the ring again and grabbed another object from under the ring this time it was a latter. He through the latter in the ring and got back in the ring.
He set the latter up on the turnbuckle. He grabbed Dean and picked him up. Kane Turnbuckle power bomb Dean into the latter making it dent. Kane covered him and won.

KZ Pov

I came out and clapped for Kane. Dean was rushed to a hospital. I have taken Dean out now my next target is Seth.

Sorry for the short chapter, but I will be updating more chapters and adding onto to this book

You guys are awesome

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