The lights go out

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I was sitting by my locker in the locker room getting ready for my match vs Seth.
I heard Seth's theme and I knew I was up next.
I put my stuff back into my gym bag and put the bag in my locker.
I walked out of the locker room and walked to the entrence. My theme hit and I came out with my title around my waist. Seth stared me down and I stared at him while laughing. He was getting mad. I climbed in the ring and handed the ref my title. He put it on the side and then the bell rang. We circled the ring twice and then Roman's theme hit. He came walking down the steps. He hoped over the barricade. He walked up to the ring and then Dean's theme hit. He came walking down the ramp and walked up to the ring. I looked around, I was surrounded by the Shield. They all got in the ring and then the lights went out. Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper showed up after the lights came back on.

"The Wyatt family is stalking the reunited Shield."
I was in the middle of the ring. Bray Wyatt turned around and put his hand out and we shook hands.
"Roman will face KZ for title but he won't be alone at Survivor Series."

Sorry for the short chapter I had to write it short because I ran out of ideas. I will update soon.
You guys are awesome.

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