Dean's Time Off

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It was Smack down and we were back stage in the locker rooms getting ready for our match vs Rhyno & Heath Slater.  Dean looked a little pale, like he was sick or something, he had a black eye from that fight, he had at the bar. I walked over to him and said, "hey bro, what's up, are you feeling alright?" He looked at me and replied, "No, I feel like shit." I looked at him and walked to the door, "Hey Dean, I'll be right back, I have to go do something." He looked at me and nodded. I opened the door and walked out of the room and closed the door behind me. I started walking through the hallway, until I got to Shane McMahon's office. I went up to the door to his office and knocked. I heard him say, "coming in." I opened the door and Shane was sitting at his desk filling out some paper work. He looked up and smiled, "what can I do for you KZ?" I sat down on a chair and replied, "hey um, you know Dean." "Yeah why?" "because, he's really sick, like he's pale, I don't know what's wrong with him and I know we have a tag team match vs the Smack down live Tag team Champions Rhyno & Slater, he's very sick and I was thinking like, I could just face both of them in a handicap match and let him rest tonight." Shane looked at me and smiled, " Ok, Z, I'll change the match and thanks for letting me know, because earlier I saw Dean and looked pale, I was going to ask what was wrong, but I got caught up with paper work, I'll have the doctors take a look at him." I shook his hand and walked out of the office, down the hallway, and into the locker room, where Dean was past out. I ran to him, he wasn't breathing, I grabbed my phone and called the paramedics, they came to the arena and came to the locker. He put him on a stretcher and put him in the ambulance and I just stood there in shock. The show ended after my match. I quickly got out of my ring attire and into my normal clothes. I ran out of the arena and into my car. I started my car, put it in reverse. I went back a little and than I put it in drive and sped to the hospital, where Dean was taken too. When I got to the hospital, I found a parking spot, I parked my car, I stop the car and turned it off. I got out of my car and locked it. I ran from the parking lot to the main doors to the hospital. I went in and ran up the stairs. I ran up to the front desk and I asked the lady what floor and room Dean was in. She replied, "Floor 3 Room 9." I replied, "Thank you." I ran to the elevator and pressed the button. The doors opened and I walked in, I press the 3 on the side and the doors closed and I started moving. It finally stop after a few seconds and the doors opened again and I walked out. I ran down the halls looking at every room number until I found room 9. I opened the door and saw Dean laying there on the bed. He was asleep.  I walked over and said, "Hey bro." He opened his eyes and replied, "hey bro are you crying?" "No, I just yawned." He laughed. "Are you alright?" "yeah." Dean replied. There was a knock, it was the doctor, "hey Z, can I speak to you." "sure." I replied. I followed the doctor outside. He put his hand on my shoulder and said, "hey has to stay in the hospital for a couple of days." "oh ok." so dean is taking time off, it's going to be boring on the road, but hey I got to do what I got to do.

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