Heel Turn

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After all the brand split, Dean and I were on Smackdown Live. He just won the IC title from the miz and his feud with AJ Styles was an awesome feud, but for me. Well I just competed in matches against Curt Hawkins or Zack Ryder. I mean I would face someone who needed some competition or something like that. It felt like I wasn't good enough for WWE and I would win all of those matches. I had a IC title shot a couple weeks ago, but Dean took it and won the title from The MIZ. He told me that if he wins, he will give me a title match for the IC title.

Smackdown Live (Dec 21)

My theme hit and I walked down the ramp and slid into the ring. I grabbed a mic from the ring announcer and stood there and said, 

KZ: Deano, my bro can you come out here and lets have a talk.

I slid out of the ring and grabbed two chairs, I put both down faces each other and I sat down on one of them and waited. Dean's theme hit and he came walking out, he had the IC title, "this was my chance to do something." I said in my mind. Dean walked down the ramp and got into the ring. I handed him a mic and we both sat back down.

Dean: So what did you want bro?

KZ: I just wanted to say congrates on your victory and winning the IC title once again.

Dean: It feels good to be the IC Champ again.

KZ: That's good Deano, but hey what bout..

The MiZ's theme song hit and he walked out blabbling bout how it was a fluke. When Dean had his back turned against me. I walked over to my chair, picked it up. I held it in my hand. I tapped Dean's shoulder and I hit him with it in the stomach and on the back, over and over and over. I grabbed the other chair and put it down by me. I picked Dean up and lined him up for a Pedigree and hit him with the Pedigree, he went face first on the chair and it knocked him out. I looked down, when The Miz came closer clapping. I turned around, kicked him in the stomach and hit him with Dirty Deeds. I grabbed the IC title and raised it up in the air above my head. I'm ready to be IC Champions and no one is going to stop me, not Dean, not the Miz, not anybody. My theme hit and left with the IC title on my shoulder, but when I got to the stage, I put it down and walked back to the locker rooms.

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