Night Of Champions Preview

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Kane and Roman started the match. They locked up but then Kane through Roman into the turnbuckle in our corner and tagged me in. I kicked Roman over and over until the ref told me to stop. I grabbed Roman and through him to the ground. I grabbed him and put him in a choke hold. Dean was staring at me and I stared at him. I started laughing. I let go of Roman and got up. I kicked Roman in the back twice and then covered him 1, 2 and he kicked out. I went over to my corner  and tag in Kane. He got in the ring and picked up Roman by the neck. He picked Roman up and choke slammed Roman to the ground. I got in the ring and speared Dean off the apron. Kane covered Roman 1, 2, 3 and we won the match. I got back into the ring and grabbed Roman lining him up for the Pedigree and hit him with it. I grabbed a mic

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is a Night of Champions Preview, this is what's going to happen to Roman Reigns, he's going to be laying in the middle of the ring with me showing my title to all of my fans and I will say what John Cena says The Champ is here and I will always be here."

I through my mic down and held my title above my head. My theme hit and I got out of the ring and walked up the ramp with Kane talking to me about the plan, we are planning for Night of Champions.

  Sorry for the short Chapter but I will update as soon as possible Thank you everyone and stay Awesome

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