The Shield vs The Wyatt family

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It was May 17,2014 on Monday Night Raw. The Shield was fighting The Wyatt Family. Dean was in the ring putting Bray Wyatt in a headlock. Bray Wyatt got out of the headlock and hit Ambrose with a kick in the gut. Seth wanted to be tagged in but Bray Wyatt nailed Dean with a closeline. Dean was trying to get up and tag Seth but Bray Wyatt was doing that weird possed thing. He was going for sister Abrigel. When they herd Sierra,Hotel,India,Echo,Lima,Delta Shield. Some kid was walking down the stairs and he went over the barricade and walked up to the ring and he entered. He grabbed the mic. "stop the match. I have a little thing for my big bother Dean Ambrose." I went over to Bray Wyatt and hit him in the stomach and I used my move called the Knee stomp. It's like the curb stomp but it hurts more. The bell rang and I started kicking Bray and then the rest of the Shield attacked the other part of the Wyatt Family. They retreated from us. We were standing there looking at them. The Shields theme went on and we left the ring. We were backstage. Dean, Roman, and Seth were staring at me. "what?" I asked. Dean came up to me and said, "who are you kid you look familar?" "Dean I'm your little brother." "what?" He replied. Seth came over to us and said, "wait, your Dean's little bro?" "yep." A girl in a Shields attire came over. "who is this little brat Dean?" "He's my little brother June." "o he's weird looking." Seth started laughing. "shut up Seth." I said with a glare. "sorry, sorry." "next time you laugh, I'll knee stomp you like I did with Bray Wyatt." June left after kissing Dean. I looked at him, "dude what the hell is with her?" Seth and Roman were walking away. Me and Dean turned around and saw. He went after them.

Tuesday Night Main Event

I had my first fight against John Cena. My theme came on, Sierra,Hotel,India,Echo,Lima,Delta Shield. I started walking down the stairs. I walked up to the barricade and jumped over it. I went over to ring and got in. John Cena's theme came. He came running down the ally and slid into the ring. I stared him down. The bell rang. I grabbed him and put him in a headlock. He hit me in the stomach. I stubbled a little and then he close lined me and I hit the mat. He was going to do the five finger attack. I kicked him the face. He went back. I did my double kick signture move. I herd everyone saying crub stomp over and over. I went to the rope and bounce off and curb stomped him and pined him 1,2,3. I got up and the announcer said, "your winner, KZ!" My theme came on and left the ring and went over the barricade. I started walking up stairs and I left. I was backstage and Dean, Roman, and Seth went up to me. "nice job kid." "thanks Seth." The annoucer said, "next match is Seth Rollins vs Bray Wyatt." "good luck Seth." "thanks kid." Seth Rollins won by pinfall. He celebrated the win. We went outside to Seth's car and we all got in. We stayed in a awesome hotel but I had to share a room with my brother Dean Ambrose.

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