The Shield's Threat

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It's been a week since Seth backstabbed us. Me and my brother Dean were really pissed off. I wanted my revenge and Dean looked like he did too. The Authority came out with Seth and Randy. They got in the ring. Seth stood by Triple H and Steph. He was smiling. Triple H grabbed a mic. "you guys are shocked about last week after payback were Seth Rollins back stabbed the Shield?" Seth grabbed the mic from Triple H and said, "you guys say that I sold out, but you are wrong, I bought into the evolution of Seth Rollins."

The titantron showed us standing back stage. Dean snapped his figures, "Seth you did a horrible thing to us but we have another member that's going to keep the Shield going." I cut in, "Seth why did you back stab us and try to break up the Shield, you better run away cause we could strike at any time, so you better watch your back." We put our fist out and said, "believe in the Shield." The titantron shut off. Seth started looking around and Triple tried to calm him down and then Sierra,Hotel,India,Echo,Lima,Delta the shield. Seth started freaking out. We came walking down the stairs and we went over the barricade. We ran into the ring and started attacking Seth and Randy. Triple H went out of the ring. Dean nailed Seth with a closeline, Seth hit the ground. Roman speared Randy. Dean had Seth. I bounce off the rope and curb stomped Seth's head into the mat. We looked at him. Our theme came on and we put our fist. We said all together, "Believe in the Shield."

We had taken out Seth and Randy out again. No one could stop us. Triple H came up to us, "you guys are going to pay for what you did to Randy and Seth." "what will happen to us." I replied. "you'll see." He walked away. We started to laugh. We walked away. Friday night smack down was in three days and I had to fight Seth and Randy in a tag team match with Dean.

Friday Night Smackdown was already here and we was getting ready to face Seth and Randy. We herd Sierra,Hotel,India,Echo,Lima,Delta The Shield. Dean and I were walking down the stairs. We went down to the barricade and jumpped over it. Seth's new theme came on and he walked down the ramp staring at us and then Randy's theme came on he walked down the ramp were Seth was and they both entered the ring. The bell rang. Seth and I started first. We locked up and then Seth kicked me in the face. I went back a few steps while holding on to my face. He kicked me in the stomach. He bounce off the rope and kicked me in the face again. I fell backwards and hit the mat. He tried to pin me 1,2 and I kicked out. I got up and nail in the head with my foot. He stubbled and I dropped kicked him and he hit the mat. I ran over to Dean and tagged him.

Dean was kicking Seth in the stomach over and over. He was going crazy. He picked Seth up and butterfly DDT him into the mat. I ran over and kicked Randy's feet. He fell off the ring. Dean grabbed Seth and Dirty Deeds Seth. 1,2,3 the bell rang. I got in the ring and held up Dean's hand and the announcer said, "your winner by pinfall KZ and Dean Ambrose, The Shield. Seth was about to get up. I bounce off the rope and curb stompped into the mat. Dean grabbed Randy and held him up a little. I bounce off the ring and curb stompped Randy into the mat. Our music started playing. Randy and Seth were on the mat just laying there. We won. We got out of the ring and jumpped over the barricade. We left.

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