Revenge part 2

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I was standing in the middle of the ring. "Bray If you can hear this listen here, anyone that have messed with Bray Wyatt before come out here." My brother's theme hit and he came walking down the ramp. He got in the ring and grabbed a mic. "I have messed with that monster." "yeah I know I've herd. He cost you the match with Seth Rollins at Hell in a Cell paper view." He looked at me and then Chris Jerico's theme hit. He came out with a mic and put the mic up to his mouth to talk. "I have fought Bray Wyatt but he kept winning. You better watch out for that monster." We just stood there in the ring and then The Authority theme hit. I was pacing. Triple H came out with a mic. "you all hate Bray Wyatt but one of you will face him tonight. Casey you are the one will be facing him at hell in a cell but tonight, we will put you in a match vs the untied states champion Rusev. It's for the united states champion." Rusev theme hit and he came running down the ramp. John Cena came out of nowhere and close line him. John through him in the ring and I did my bee sting. I pined him 1,2,3. I won my first championship. "your new United States champion KZ." John Cena slid into the ring and shook my hand. I got out of the ring and walked up the ramp. I went into the locker room. John Cena was still in the ring. "how about that match ladies and gentlemen." Everyone was cheering and then Bray Wyatt was on the screen. "Cena, why did you stick up for Casey, why just why?" "because." The Authority's theme hit and The Authority came walking down the ramp. They all got in the ring. John got out of the ring and watched the Authority. He walked up the ramp.

Rusev was still down. Seth walked up to him and J and J security picked him up and put him in line for a curb stomp. Seth walked back a little and then ran to Rusev and Jumped and curb stomp Rusev to the mat. I was backstage with my championship belt around my waist. "Hell In A Cell, me vs Bray Wyatt, this is my chance to destroy him once for all." I herd a laugh behind me. It was Bray Wyatt. He charged at and I charged at him. We throwing punches. I took Bray Wyatt's legs out and I started throwing punches to his head. Security tried to separate us. It was like world war 3 between us. They finally got us separated. "I will see you at Hell in a Cell, Wyatt." He disappeared. I walked back to the locker room with my face all busted up. "God dammit, why did I have to face Bray Wyatt at Hell in a Cell. This is my time to get Revenge. I have my United States Championship."

Hell in a Cell was today and I couldn't believe that It's been a couple of weeks since I won my United States Championship belt but tonight, I could lose it. We fought the battle. We fought until I won by a bee sting. I retained the United States championship.

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