Gilinsky (Requested)

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Imagine for the sweetest...CrawfordsPizzza!!!! hope you like it 😊

*Kaylee's POV*

Years had built up to this moment, today was the day that I was going to tell my best friend that I loved him. I just had to convince myself that I could do it. Jack might like me back, but I didn't know.

All the little things we did together had made fall more and more in love with him. He would call me beautiful and would tell me I'd find the right guy. Well to me, that guy was Jack. He was newly single and it felt like the right time to tell him. I just hoped this wouldn't ruin us if he didn't like me back.

*Jack's POV*

I woke up this morning after dreaming of Kaylee again. I couldn't keep my mind off her lately....

The way she smiled, the way her eyes gleamed, and the way her hair fell drove me crazy and kept me up at night. Just recently I noticed, she was the one. I couldn't believe that the perfect girl had been right in front of me the whole time.

Jenny, my ex, was devastated when I broke up with her. I was truthful with her and told her I was in love with someone else. I couldn't live like this anymore, I had to tell her.

*Kaylee's POV*

I pulled up to Jack's house and knocked on his door. Jack opened the door with wide eyes. He was as good looking as ever. His hair was all over the place and it looked like he had just woken up.

"Hey" I said smiling. "Hey" he replied back while leaning against the door frame. "Can I come in? I really want to talk to you about something." He motioned for me to come in.

I sat down at my usual spot on the couch and so did he. "So what did you want to talk about Kay?" He said looking me up and down. I looked down at my hands folded in my lap, and then up to into brown eyes.

"Just don't hate me okay?" I said. Jack laughed and said, "what'd you do this time?" I gave him a little shove. "I'm serious!" I said giggling a little, to calm my nerves. His expression changed to seriousness, "I promise I won't hate you." He said sincerely.

I took deep breath and started my little speech. "So I've known you for a really long time Jack and I don't want to ruin our friendship but over the past few months I've started to develop -" I paused here and regained the breath that I had let out."I've started to get feelings for you...and I completely understand if you don't like me back....but I just couldn't really go without telling you anymore."

I didn't realize I had been holding my breath until I let it out. Jack's face softened and he smiled his usual stunning grin. He pulled me in for a hug and I swear I could feel a million butterflies in my stomach. "Kaylee, I am so relieved you said that." I was shocked. "Wait, WHAT?!" He put his arm around me, and snuggled me close. "You saved me the embarrassment of telling you." He said giggling

I must have still look confused because he said "I really like you too. I might even be in love with you." I turned so I was facing him. We were so close, way closer than I had ever gotten to him. The way he was staring intensely into my eyes made my head go crazy.

He darted his eyes down to my lips and then back to my eyes, silently asking permission. I nodded my head and his forehand pressed against mine. Our breathing was in sync with each other. He grabbed my chin lightly and brought my face closer until his lips crashed into mine. I placed my hands on the back of his neck, savouring the intense moment.

He ran his hands up and down my back, driving me crazy. The way our mouths fit together was perfect. He pressed me down onto my back with both his hands on either side of me. He brought his hips down so that we were body to body. I opened my mouth slightly and Jack took the opportunity to push his tongue into my mouth.

It must have been about 10 minutes straight before we stopped when the doorbell rang. He gave me a quick peck and rushed off to get it. When he walked back in, Jack J was with him. "Hey Kay, What are you doing here?"

He looked at me and saw how messed up my hair was and before I could answer he said. "Oh....Oh! Were you guys..? Uhm, sorry bro, I'll leave so you guys can continue" he wiggled his eyebrows and winked at both of us and quickly fled the room.

I burst out laughing and Jack came back over to me. "So, are we dating then?" He asked. "I don't think that's even a question." I said with a smirk. Jack put his arm around me once again and I cuddled up to him. We started a movie but let's just say we were a little too 'busy' to actually watch it...😉

Hope you like it baby girl 😁 I had some help to write this one...thanks for reading yall😘

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