Nate (Request)

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For my babe Bethany💐

::Bethany's POV::

"Bethany, I know it's to soon but I love you, and I haven't stopped, please let me prove to you that there's going to be an us again, let me prove to you that you will get your dream wedding, & let me prove that you'll get the old nate back that wasn't such a dick" Nate confessed. We had taken a break after we found out I was pregnant because he wasn't to happy about it...

"Nate I haven't stopped loving you either but I'm still heart broken, it's going to take a while for me to forgive and forget, but like I said, we can work things out." I said.

Look I know taking Nate probably won't go well with my family, but they have to remember that he is the father of my children. They also need to remember that i grew up without my father and I don't want that for my children.

Nate and I finished our small conversation then went upstairs to go lay down I didn't mind him sleeping in my...well...our shared bed because 1. I was 8 ½ months pregnant and I was too tried to tell him he couldn't & 2. because I just wanted to lay down in his arms.

When we went upstairs I went into our shared bathroom and changed into some yoga pants and a sports bra. When I came out nate was looking at me.
"what?" I giggled at him.

"nothing you just look cute being pregnant" he replied
"Oh be quiet nate, let's go to bed" I laughed
I layed down and he layed down after I didn't.

"Hey never told me what we're having or what the name is"
"we'll we're having a girl & I wanted her name to be Kaydence and her middle Marie for my grandma and of course your last name"

"That's perfect Bethany"
Nate went down to your stomach and kissed it and said "Hey baby Kay it's your daddy, you know I love you right? I love you more than life it's self, of course I don't love you anymore or any less than your mommy, I love you both equally"

Of course your hormonal self started to cry tears of joy, nate then came up and pecked your lips. "I love you Bethany & I haven't stopped and I hope you know that & I'm will to do anything to prove it"

you smiled at him "Nate you already have" you kissed him and you couldn't be anymore happier to be able to call him yours again.

You both fell asleep, before you fell asleep you were having sharp pains in your lower back but you didn't think anything of it so you fell asleep.

***2:00 in the morning***

"NATE!!!" I yelled from the bathroom
Nate ran in "what happened Bethany?!!"

"My water broke we need to go to the hospital"
Nate grabbed the hospital bag and called my mom to come to the hospital. She happily agreed and she met us there.

I hope you like it Bethany👏🏼You guys don't understand how much I love writing imagines for yall 💋 I love you....don't forget it...and your beautiful too babesss.

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